Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat on the couch with Dipper and Mabel, Bill floating behind me. It's a stormy day, and we are bored, well, Bill is, I'm just reading with Dipper, and Mabel is making another scrapbook for this year's summers. Bill is back to being normal, turns out, the potion wore out, well, it's better than waiting more.

"Angel!" Bill pouted. I just hummed.

"I'm bored!" Bill whined.

"Do whatever you want, as long as you fix it up later, I'm fine by anything, and you are supposed to bury those bodies too" I gave him a stern look and he sighed and nodded. When Bill was a kid, he made deals with strangers, asking them to sell their souls and let Bill possess their body forever, they agreed thinking of Bill being only a kid, oh how wrong they were. Bill shook their hands, and that's when the flames appeared sealing the deal. He took their souls and then their bodies, and ruined the body beyond reparation, and they aren't habitable anymore. So, I had to hide them in  the graveyard, Bill will later bury them. There were as many as fifteen people.

"I would have killed you if you were someone else" he said.

"But I'm not and you can't change it" I said, flipping the page. I heard a long dramatic sigh.

After a short silence, I heard the front door opening. Curious, I turned to look at what was going on, Bill has just went outside. I jumped off the couch and peeked out the window that gives a view of outside, I saw Bill standing in the rain, looking at the clouds and getting wet and muddy. I facepalmed. I opened the window slightly.

"Bill! Get inside! You'll get sick in the rain!" I shouted. He just looked at me, with his emotions, my heart sank at his face. His face showed despair, longing, sadness, guilt, shame, and regret, his eyes deep in thought and looking lost. I sighed and closed the window, picking off my raincoat, boots and two umbrellas, I got dressed and went outside. The wind was strong, and so was the rain. I walked over to where Bill was, now sitting on the ground, legs crossed. I put the second umbrella over him. He paid me no heed. I just sighed and kneeled in front of him, waving my hand in front of his face. He was still out of it. I leaned in closer to his face and planted a kiss on his lips, making him jolt suddenly. He looked at me wide eyed, I gave him a small closed eye smile. I looked at him, and saw that he had the same look from before again.

"Hey Bill, what's the matter?" I asked him, getting into a comfortable position. From my peripheral vision, I saw the front door open, and Dipper and Mabel peek out.

"Angel, do you trust me?" He asked, his voice uncharacteristically low and quiet.

"Uh huh, sure do" I nodded, searching his face.

"Why?" His voice broke a bit, catching me off guard, completely.

"What do you mean why? You never gave me a reason not to trust you, why wouldn't I? Besides, you're my mate, as cheesy as it is, I believe in soulmates, and I believe in you" I told him, my voice and eyes becoming really soft at the end.

"You shouldn't trust me, I killed my own family, my own blood siblings, my friends, and I destroyed my own dimension, what if I hurt you?" He asked, desperation clear in his voice. I facepalmed, then looked back at the demon in front of me, who had tears going down his cheeks. But, confusion was on his face.

"Don't be an idiot, I know you would never hurt me, even if you did, I'll be fine, because I know you won't do it on purpose. By the way, if you did killed everyone, there must be a reason behind it that's logical for you. I bet they deserve what they got" I gave him a smile. "Now get up or you'll get sick, you insane triangular dorito demon" I shook my head, and held out my hand, with a small smile.

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