Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was simply lying upside down on the couch when I heard shuffling in the kitchen. First, I shrugged it off thinking it was my cat, then I thought, I don't have a cat! Picking up the nearest thing, which happened to be a book, I slowly went to the kitchen. I suddenly got a feeling it was Bill. I just put the book back and with a roll of my eyes, I went to the kitchen.

As I looked at the scene in front me, my eyes widened in shock and my face turned into a horrified one. Bill held a knife in his hand, which was covered in blood, so much blood that it dropped on floor, and his gloves were put to side. And most shocking, the blood was such a deep red, that it couldn't belong to a human. With a quick shout to Bill, I raced upstairs and took the first aid kit and and ran back down. Only to see Bill had injured his other hand too. And he was smiling!!!

"What in the heavens are you doing!?!?" I shouted and took the knife away from Bill, who looked up at me in shock. I slapped him. "Are you insane!?! Why are you cutting your hand!?!" I shouted grabbing both his hands and putting them in the sink, opening the tap and washing away the blood on Bill's palms.

I looked at him to see him grinning really big.

"I am insane, that's not new, and pain is hilarious!" He began laughing. I remembered the time when he had possessed Dipper's body, that day, he told me the same thing, 'pain is hilarious'.

"You idiot! Just because pain is hilarious doesn't mean you'll cut down your own freaking body!" I scolded and made him sit on the dining table. "Hold this until the bleeding stops" I gave him a hand towel and put his between his palms. He held the towel in place, not saying anything. I took out disinfectant, cotton, and some antiseptic cream, bandages and scissors.

I removed the towel and checked his palms, the bleeding had stopped, the cuts weren't deep, but there were many of them, all over. I furrowed my brows.

"What did you even do to your hands?" I asked wetting the cotton in disinfectant. Bill shrugged.

"I was just testing how durable they are, plus the knife looked sharp, so I couldn't help but hold it" he grinned cheekily. I gave him a glare before dabbing the cotton on his wounds.

"You idiotic triangle dorito, just because something is sharp down doesn't mean you hold it. And you don't need to test the durability of your hands" I said cleaning his cuts. "And now, you are not going to use your hands until they are fully healed" I said before applying antiseptic cream on his cut.

"What are you even doing?" He asked, voice laced with confusion.

"Bandaging you up, Bill, you have a human body, your wounds won't regenerate by themselves, you'll have to heal them, and before that, you have to make sure they are not infected, or else you'll get really really sick. And since you're hands are hurt, it will take time for you to heal them, so I'm just making sure that you're good and healthy, I don't want to babysit a sick demon" I said wrapping up his arms with bandages. "And you aren't supposed to remove them until night"

As I finished bandaging, I looked up to see Bill pouting.

"Stop making that face, you are to listen to me without any complains, and this is what you get for hurting yourself. As punishment, you are on house arrest till you are fully healed" I poked his forehead before picking up the kit and going upstairs. I stopped for a second, "and don't you dare get out" I glared before going back upstairs and putting back the kit in the cupboards of my bathroom.

"Angel!" I heard Bill call from downstairs. I sighed before making my way to Bill. As I went down, I saw Bill trying to pick up a cup.

"What are you doing?" I asked walking up to him. He looked at me with a pout.

"I'm thirsty" he whined. I smiled at his childish attitude.

"Here you go" I held out the cup of water for him. He gave me a look. I looked down at the cup and then at his hands. "Oh yes, your hands are bandaged, wait, you want me to help you drink?" I raised my eyebrow now realizing what he wants. He only gave me a nod. With a shake of my head, I helped him drink the water and then rinsed the cup, putting it back in its place.

"I'm bored" Bill said. I gave him a side mean glare.

"I wasn't the one to cut my hands" I said simply.

He pouted, "let me go out, I want to make deals"

"You're on house arrest till you heal. You can't go out" I spoke sitting on the couch.

"Fine fine, Angel, see what I can do" he said and clapped his bandaged hands. My eyes widened. Bill became a triangle.

"Don't do that" I warned.

"Do what?" He floated up to me.

"Clapping" I said simply. I took his small hands in mine and checked the bandages. "Don't mess around with them, you're not supposed to do that either" I spoke. Bill just rolled his eye.

"Since I can't do anything" he said pulling back back his hands and clapping them again, turning back into human and plopping down beside me.

"You know what, if your hands don't heal and the duration of your house-arrest increases further, don't blame me" I said picking up the book from earlier and opening it.

"I'm bored" Bill whined.

"Watch TV" I said not looking up.

"Huh?" He asked in confusion, I looked up to see him looking at me confused. I grinned.

"I just found something for you to do, wanna watch a horror movie?" I asked turning on the TV and opening Netflix.

"Ooookaaay" he said dragging his word. He's clueless, I'm glad he can't read my thoughts, but that rule only applies to me. He can hear the thoughts of other people.

"Which one do you want to watch?" I asked shutting off the lights an curtains and going to the kitchen, grabbing snacks and drinks and putting them in front of Bill, who just watched my movements. I went upstairs and came down with a huge blanket. I plopped beside him picking up the controller. Bill shrugged.

"Okay, let's watch.... Slenderman, my friend told me a lot about this urban legend, let's see how this guy scares us" I said playing Slenderman. Bill sat beside me wrapped up with me. I opened Doritos and plopped one in mouth, then the other in Bill's mouth. I made a pattern, me, Bill, me, Bill and so on.

Bill watched the movie with a big smile on his face, laughing at occasions and making fun of the gorey scenes, and insulting them too. Whenever I would jump, Bill would pat me.

"Can I haunt people like that?" Bill asked once the movie was over.

"Sure as long as you don't kill people or make them go insane" I said picking up the controller.

"Killjoy" he pouted.

"Wanna choose the next movie?" I asked. He took the controller and clicked The Nun. He put the controller down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. And whenever I would jump, his hold would get tighter but loosing up soon.

And so, the day went by eating junk food, watching horror movies, and in Bill's case, laughing and having fun.

Done... hope you had fun! Lol as much as I love horror movies, sudden unexpected jumpscares shock me, what about you guys? What makes you jump in a horror movie?

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