Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Me and Will were standing outside the tent of telepathy. It was nighttime and no one was out. I looked at Will, who was sweating profusely. I put a hand on his shoulder, he looked at me and broke down, hugging me.

"Jeez Will" I held him as he cried.

"I c-can't" he wailed and sobbed and hiccupped. I held him by the shoulder and brought my face closer to his, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"Will Cipher. We can't back off now. I promised that I will keep you safe and I intend on fulfilling that promise no matter what. We are here to save our mates and we have gone through this many times already. I can't navigate my way through without you, and I will keep you from harm. Even if it costs my life. And Will" I deadpanned. He sniffed. "You told me they have hurt you, right?" He nodded, "well then, its time to get mad at them and take your revenge" I finished as I gave him an encouraging smile. His face became serious as I wiped his tears with a soft smile.

"Are you ready?" I asked him. He gave me a nod and we both straightened. Dipper and Mabel most likely kept Bill and (t/n) in the basement because its huge, and me a Will can feel our mates' presence there. So, that's where we are going first. Sneaking in and going to the back room, I held Will's hand as I made us both invisible. Will showed me through a labyrinth and I was glad that I was with him. The labyrinth was just so huge.

As we went to the place where the basement door was, I saw two wolves, two blood wolves!!! (Wolverine!! Ahem, sorry) At least they were asleep. I hushed Will and picked him up, teleporting beneath the door, in the basement. I placed him back down, sighing with relief, which did not last long. I spared one glance to the armed Will, yeah, armed, he had a crossbow, arrows and daggers with him, and we found all those stuff in the maze, why they were there? I'll never know.

I spotted some movements behind him and lit up a orange flame in my hand, illuminating the area, wishing that I hadn't done that, because there were thousands of spiders, small to large, all sizes, sitting, drooling. With a scream, I picked Will up, placed him on my shoulder and ran. Whilst, he shot the chasing big spiders with the crossbow. When I was out of my breath, I placed Will on the ground, and let out a wave of fire, destroying the creepers in a second.

Thankfully, that wave of fire illuminated a door. I held Will's wrist and we went inside the door.

There was a huge illuminated room and on one side, there was Bill and (t/n), kissing each other. My eyes widened and Will fainted. I gasped and Bill and (t/n) parted with wide eyes. They both looked at us in shocked as I supported the unconscious Will.

"We'll talk about this later Bill" I gritted my teeth, picking Will up bridal style, I went to them and was about to use magic to unlock the door when I lost control of my body. I was throw to an opposite wall, luckily, I didn't lost hold of Will. Dipper and Mabel made a grand entry. I grunted in pain and frustration before picking myself off the floor and laying Will down gently.

"Some nice plan we had, now look, all the targets aare at one place all that needs to be done is the shooting of an arrow and....Boom!" Mabel laughed, insanity in her tone.

"Blah blah blah, if you are done, then know that I'm not in the mood of bullshit, let our mates go" I spat harshly at them.

"Yeah, and what makes you think we'd let them go so easily, though, I can keep you, you are not that bad looking after all" Dipper finished with a perverted smirk. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Bill growled.

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