Chapter 2.5

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat in my room, the walkie talkie in my hands and a recorder in other.

"What do you know about Bill Cipher?" Dipper asked the Axolotl. They went on a small adventure to find the deity Axolotl and they have found the huge salamander. I'm so proud. I decided to record their chatter, for knowledge of course, I might learn new things, so its a win-win for me. However, Mabel didn't ask anything useful, but it gave me a clue as to how the... Creature looks.

"Sixty degrees that come in threes,
Watches from within birch trees,
Saw his own dimension burn,
Misses home and can't return,
Say's he's happy, he's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime,
A different form, a different time."

I recorded the words and took out the tape, placing it carefully inside my bag. Bill appeared in front of me, startling me a bit.

"Whatcha doing Angel?" He asked sitting down beside me on the bed.

"Just recording the knowledge of Axolotl for a possible future reference" I said laying down on my stomach, supporting my face with my hands and looking at Bill.

"What did he say? Can I hear the recording?" He asked, laying down like me and supporting his face with his arms like me, kinda weird since he is a triangle, his dorito like body was bent from where his bow tie is.

"Nope, he said something about sixty degrees and that you're a liar" I told him rolling on my back and spreading out my arms. He chuckled. I just gave him a look.

"He's saying the truth, I do lie a lot" he told me. I gasped dramatically before sitting him up and pulling him up and making him sit in front of me. His stick legs were out in front of him as he dangled his arms. Kinda cute.

I gave him a huge speech about lies and truths.


Author's P.O.V.:

Dipper and Mabel came back only to see Bill spooning a sleeping (y/n), still being in his triangle form. They looked weird, yet adorable. Bill's eye was closed. Mabel squealed and clicked a photo for her scrapbook. Dipper sweat dropped.

This is just a filler, which will be used when you grow up.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now