Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was in my room, reading a book when I heard large thud and yelling from downstairs. Quickly putting my book down, I hurried downstairs, only to be shocked, it is a really common thing for me these days, Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford were wrestling with Bill on the floor. Dipper was holding Mabel back protectively as she looked concerned. I decided to stand there and watch what they were doing. After wrestling a bit, Ford took out handcuffs, made of some weird yellow and orange metal, literally, it had bits of purple too. After lecturing something about his new creation, he handcuffed Bill's hands and tied up his legs. Then the men in the room noticed me. Gruncle Stan pushed Bill towards me as Bill kneeled on the floor, looking down. My Gruncles held him down by his arms.

"Here (y/n), we caught this demon that was lounging around in your house. I bet he was planning something, how in the heavens did he exited the weirdness barrier?" Gruncle Ford said and then got lost in his thoughts.

"Enough playing, let Bill go" I told them looking serious, totally meaning business as I talked with them.

"What!?! He was trying to trick you, or possibly hurt you, and you are asking us to free him!" Stan exclaimed with wide eyes pouting at the demon.

"Yeah yeah, he's my mate, he would never even think of hurting me, as for how he got outside the barrier, Axolotl did it" I told and with a roll of my eyes, I walked up to Bill and helped him up, snatching the keys from Ford and unlocking Bill. Bill snapped his finger and the ties around his legs disappeared.

"Thanks Angel" Bill said looking at me softly. Then looked up and said, "kinda reminds me of bagel" I nudged him, trying to make an angry look but my lips failed me by smiling. Bill laughed.

"Don't mention it, take a seat and let me deal with them" I gave him a small smile. He just nodded and went to the couch. Something's wrong with Bill, I can feel it.

Dipper and Mabel walked up to us, coaxed the other twins in sitting on the couch, somehow. They all settled on the couch. Dipper sat by Mabel who sat by Bill. My Uncles were trying their best to keep distance, racism eh? I hope not.

"Bill is staying here with me, you don't have to worry about him hurting me, you know that he is my.... soul mate, right Gruncle Ford" he nodded, "Great, I had a deal with him, and don't worry, it isn't a trick, I am fine. Axolotl wanted me to keep him. And, why the f*** are you here?" I asked them with a stare. They flinched under my gaze. Then Ford seems to realize something.

"The Weirdmaggedon has returned! Originally we thought it was Bill, but since he's here....... We need your help, it is spreading fast, even in the surrounding areas. The Weirdness barrier is getting weaker! And it's bad news! You all have to come with us!" Stan spoke frantically. We all were shocked by the sudden news, I shared a look with the young twins and Bill, then nodded.

"Lets go guys, we have a world to save" I said, putting my fist on my chest, the thought of helping my family filled me with determination.


I was shocked at the sight of Gravity Falls, it was like Weirdmaggedon, but with its own twist. The sky was deep purple and blue and all shades of them. There was a cube shaped.......... building like object in the sky, much like Bill's Fearamid. There were ghosts and shadow lurkers running around the town with many weird bread shaped monsters attacking every living thing.

"This is certainly......... weird, weirder than Bill's apocalypse" I said, looking at everything with awe, twirling around to get a better look, if anything, it is actually pretty, the sky I mean.

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