Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I stood outside with Gruncle Ford and Dipper. I watched the big cut in the sky and Bill yelling.

"Welcome, one and all!!! To Weirdmaggedon!!!" I heard him scream.

"So this is how the world ends. Not with a bang but with a... boop-boop." Gruncle Ford said.

"Weirdmaggedon" Dipper said.

Suddenly, animals started coming towards us. Gruncle Ford shielded me with his body as the animals ran over us.

"The rift is shattered and Bill's world is collapsing in ours" Ford said.

"Oh no, the rift must have shattered in Mabel's backpack" Dipper gasped "I have to find her" he was about to run but Ford quickly stopped him and picked me up.

"What is going on?" I looked at the two people. They looked at each other.

"Kid, Bill is destroying our world, and we are going to save it" Ford looked at Dipper who nodded.

"Because that's what heroes do!" Dipper said.

"We are going to stop Bill from destroying everything!" I cheered.

"Good, now, you might want to step inside." He said and took us inside.


"Ah, my quantum destabilizer. I've been waiting a long time to use this. We're only gonna have one chance to take this shot" he said and aimed the gun at Bill "Steady... steady... and..." Suddenly, I heard ringing of the bell. It made Gruncle miss his shot and hit Bill's hat and then the tree which disappeared. The hat fixed itself.

"Oh no" Dipper said.

"Well well well, and here I thought that today couldn't get any better" Bill said and the tower was destroyed.

Gruncle Ford was trapped in rubble.

"Gruncle!!" I screamed.

"Kids! Take my journals! There is another way to defeat Bill! Listen you- oh no! Run! Get out of here!" He said and Dipper took my hand really fast and climbed down with the books really fast. We hid in the main floor.

"Why are we hiding from Dorito?" I asked Dipper as he held me protectively.

"Bill isn't normal, he wants to hurt all of us and I don't want that. Listen, you have to get out of here" he told me. My eyes teared up.

"I don't want to leave you Dipper, I don't want to be alone" I hugged him, hiding my face in his vest.

"Shh shh its okay, we will be fine. I love you, now stay here and don't move" he said and I nodded, crying and sobbing. He kissed my forehead then both my cheeks and went out with the books. I looked out the window as Dipper spoke.

"That's enough! Hand over my uncle and stay away from my family! Or else!" Dipper held up the book.

"Now, isn't this" he spoke in a demonic voice "interesting" then spoke in a normal voice "My old puppet is back for an encore. You think you can stop me?" He punches the air "Go ahead, Pine Tree, show me what you've got."

Dipper flipped through the journal.

"Don't you dare touch my family" he said as he tries to punch but is thrown backwards. I couldn't stop the tears going down my face as I cried silently. He looks so pained....

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