Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Me and Bill cuddled on the couch, watching horror movies. Bill seems to like gore a lot, typical of him, I'm not surprised, gladly, I am used to gore and violence, of course, thanks to Bill for burning monsters in front of my eyes when I was only a kid. As we sat there, I jumped due to surprise when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I fished out my phone only to see Dipper calling me. I lost my hold on phone as it jumped around but I managed to caught it before it falls. I shushed Bill loudly, who looked at me with wide eye and wild face. I accepted the call and Dipper immediately spoke.

Dipper: hey (y/n), glad you accepted my call, umm.... can you open your front door?

Me: sure...? Why?

Dipper: you will find out soon

I went to my front door and opened it, I saw Dipper and Mabel holding lots of stuff, I shut the door on their face and ran to to Bill and pushed him off the couch.

"Woah Angel! You okay!?" He asked rubbing his butt sitting on the floor.

"Disappear right now! Mabel and Dipper are here! I don't want them to see you!" I yelled out frantically waving my arms, he just rolled his eye and disappeared. I sighed relieved then ran to the front door, opening it.

"Hii guys" I greeted with a sheepish smile.

Dipper and Mabel walked in and dropped all the stuff.

"Phew, that was tiring" Mabel wiped her forehead, smiling.

"Why did you closed the door on us?" Dipper asked, looking hurt.

"Sorry bro, my house was dirty, I had to clean up a bit" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It still is dirty" Mabel peeked on the couch from behind it. I froze wondering if she thought I was lying.

"I was-" I started but someone beat me to it.

"SHOOTING STAR!!! PINE TREE!!!! How are you doing!?!" Bill exclaimed, appearing in his human form, floating, he tipped his hat. Oh boy..... I shot him the most evil look I could muster.

"Bill!" Dipper and Mabel both exclaimed with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here!?!?" They both again exclaimed together again.

"You little piece of-" Dipper jumped on Bill, knocking both of them to ground, they began fighting as Dipper took out a switchblade and attacked Bill with it. Mabel hid behind my couch. Coincidentally, a similar scene was playing in the TV.

"Guys! Stop!" I shouted out. Unfortunately, they didn't listened. I growled.

"Mason Pines! Bill Cipher! I command you to stop right now!" I yelled, crossing my arms. Bill immediately froze, and after Dipper realized that Bill wasn't moving, he stopped too.

"Bill is my mate Dipper. And Dipper is my brother Bill. Don't you dare fight or hurt eachother, and you can leave if you have a problem with Bill living here" I scolded both as I picked Dipper off Bill, who stood up casually, dusted his suit, and teleported beside me, floating.

"That was a nice welcome Pine Tree" Bill smiled. Dipper just groaned.

"Come on Mabel" I gave her a smile and motioned her to follow me, "Bill, take their luggage and follow me" I told him and he grunted. With Dipper in my arms, and Mabel on my trail, I went upstairs to show them their room.


"So, you're telling me, Bill is living with you ever since you found him on your porch" Dipper asked with raised eyebrows. We were sitting in the lounge, I had prepared some tea for everyone, as they were tired after finishing their unpacking. I gave him a nod.

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