Halloween Special

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Please! I wanna come too!" The young girl pleaded me.

"Honey, you are too young to come with us" I groaned, already getting fed up with her constant unflagging whining.

"Kiddo, Angel is right, you should go with your friends" Bill ruffled her blonde hair, her black highlights and blonde hair flew in all directions as the girl puffed up her cheeks. Her yellow serpent like eyes brimming with tears.

"But I don't like them! They always tease me for my mark" she showed her mark on the right side of her neck, a snake forming am eternal ring.

"(Y/n), Bill, me and Mabel are leaving, are you two coming or not?" Dipper asked, peeking in.

"Its getting late!" We heard Mabel yell out from behind our bedroom door.

"You younglings! Hurry up!" Stan shouted out.

"Calm down Stanley" Ford said calmly.

"Look Pythia" I bent down to her level, "that mark is not bad, don't let people mold you, be your own self" I told her softly, placing my hand on her cheek, she leaned in my touch.

"As if being able to turn into a snake is good" she crossed her arms and looked down "m-mom, I want to come with you" her voice broke as she sniffed. I let out a sigh.

"Alright my dear daughter, you can come with us, happy now?" I smiled at her, she looked at me with teary eyes and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you mama" she whispered gratefully.

"No worries, by the way, what will you wear?" I asked her as she separated and gave me a cheeky grin. Her snake scales appeared on her arms, legs, neck and cheeks. I widened my eyes and gasped.

"You can't go like that!" I told her in an austere tone.

"But you both are also going in your real forms!" She pouted, I looked at my wings and at Bill who was wearing his signature suit. I too was wearing my signature dress.

"Fine" I groaned out, Pythia did a small dance, jumping and went to the door, exiting our room happily.

"She's a sweet girl" I told Bill as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Too bad she isn't ours, would you like to have a girl like her?" Bill asked seductively. I pushed his face with a funny look.

"No" I told him and he pouted. "We have to hurry, others are waiting" I was about to walk but a hand wrapped around my wrist stopped me.

"Before that, I can tell you're down, I want the reason" Bill demanded with a serious face. I gave in after seeing the concern in his eye.

"Its Pythia, I wonder where her parents are, the state we found her in, beaten up and crying, it broke my heart seeing her like that, she is so cheerful and bubbly, who would not want her? It doesn't matters if she is a half serpent, at least she is half human, we aren't human at all. Her aging being unlike us isn't helping. Immortals like us won't age, but she will age, and like a normal person. It seems that her aging will slow down at the end of her teenage years, that concludes that one of her parent was a human and other was half human and half serpent, but where are they? Were they killed?" I rambled, looking down. Bill pulled me close and kissed me, all my worries were instantly melted away.

"It doesn't matter where they are, they abandoned her and now she is our child and that's all that matters, we are her parents, and instead of wondering about her real parents, we must focus on her, so that she will get the best future unlike her past" Bill said after he separated.

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