Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat in the library, looking through multiple books. It's been three days and Bill hasn't come back, and I was, and still am extremely worried, I hadlready checked the town top to bottom, but Bill is nowhere to be seen. He couldn't be in Gravity Falls because the weirdness barrier won't let him in.

After last night's chat with Axolotl, I found out that Bill is in the mindscape, sulking. I just need to find a way to get in there.

After a while of searching, I grunted, when suddenly, my phone rang. I jumped up a bit and the librarian looked at me with a glare. I gave her a apologizing look and ran outside, accepting the call.

"Dipper?" I spoke.

"(Y/n)!!! I found a way to go to the mindscape, but it says that only one person can go at once" he spoke, a bit sad.

"It's okay bro, I'll just take the book and get out of there, I promise I won't get hurt" I reassured him. I had to lie to him that I needed to go to the mindscape for a book, that has the way to resurrect Bill, and I told him that I needed to destroy it. He had agreed reluctantly.

"So, there is this black stone that called Darkscape, and it's completely black, not even light shines it up, it's like a black hole. It can be used to get there. But I have no idea where we could find it, it says that only dream demons know its location and only they can give it to you, or get you to them, its not possible for a human to obtain this gem" Dipper said. My brows furrowed, I think I remember seeing it. With wide eyes, I hurri do my home, the call still going on and went to my room, taking out the dress that Bill gave me, I checked the bow on the dress, just to test it, I shone the phone light on the stone, but it looked like a deep black pit. I gasped.

"Dipper, I think I have the stone" I told him.

"What!?! How!?!" He asked, surprised.

"There is no time to tell, just tell me what I have to do" I said with a tone that said, 'don't you dare disagree'.

"Fine. There is this pattern that you have to draw, then put the stone in the middle and stood in it's front, chanting these words" Dipper said as he sent me the picture of the pattern and the words.

"Thank you Dipper" I said with hope filled eyes, I could finally get to Bill.

"But sis...... there is no way to get back" Dipper said.

"Don't worry, I ain't planning on leaving without getting what I want" I said taking the phone away from my ear and hanging up, just now noticing he was saying something. I shrugged with a oops.


I stood in my position and chanted the words from my phone. Suddenly, the area around me became white, but I could still see that stone. I felt dizzy as my feet touched the ground. I sat on the ground till I was feeling well. I looked around at the black and white scenery. Snatching up the stone and putting it back on my bow, I began walking around.

After walking for what felt like days, I saw a glimpse of yellow behind a tree in the forest I was in. The yellow was hard to miss in the black and white scenery. I went up to Bill quietly, noticing that he was in his Dorito form. Curled up, well, as curled up as a triangle can sit.

"Hey Dorito" I said peeking out from behind the tree. Bill jumped up and teleported a meter away.

"A-angel" his eye widened. "H-how?"

I pointed to the bow, realization hit him.

"What are you doing here?" He turned around, looking down.

"I came to take you back" I took a step towards him.

"I don't want to come back, I don't need pity" he sat on the ground again.

"Why are you saying this?" I took another step towards him.

"Don't you see it, it's pretty obvious. I am a monster. I destroyed a whole dimension, I don't deserve any kind of kindness, especially not your kindness since I hurt you too, I only deserve to be hated and despised. I don't deserve love, so please, just leave me here" Bill said, sadness evident in his tone. Hearing this broke my heart. I stepped closer to him, and bent down behind him, I hugged him from behind.

"Don't say this Bill, no one deserves to be hated, everyone needs love and everyone deserves it, plus, I can't and won't leave you alone, I came here to get you, and I'm not going back without you. So please, don't be like this, it breaks my heart" I murmured to Bill. He wriggled away from me then faced me, totally red, up to down, not in an angry way.

"You don't understand (Y/n)! I am a monster! I scared you! I-" his voice went to a whisper. "I almost hurt you, what kind of demon do this to their mate"

"But you didn't Bill, I'm not going to lie, you did scared me, but only because you yelled at me for the first time, I'm not scared, not at all now that I know that you'll never hurt me" I said, determination taking over.

"How can you be so sure? Huh!?" He asked, looking at me sternly.

"Because you didn't hurt me when you were out of control, I doubt that you'll hurt when in control, plus, I believe in you, please come back Bill, I miss you" I gave him a pleading look. He looked at me, about to retort, but stopped himself. Finally, he huffed.

"Fine, I'll come back, but only because you convinced me and need me, don't even get an idea that I'm coming back because I missed you and wanted to" he crossed his stick arms. I smiled big and hugged him.

"Where is your body anyways? You can't enter the mindscape with one" I said.

"I know, my body is in the forest near Gravity Falls, outside of the barrier, properly hidden" he said. I nodded.

"Let's go home" I smiled taking his hand and standing up. Before I knew it, I was back in my home, everything normal, except the floating dorito beside me.

"Wait a second" he said, the disappeared, reappearing in his body. He gave me a charming smile, I smiled back.

That was nice.

Wow, I can't believe I forgot to update, I'm so silly.

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