Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I finished knitting the scarf I made for Bill. I made two more scarfs before, but because one is blue and the other is red, it won't suit Bill, so I did a good thing and put them away. With a big smile, I turned around and called out. "Bill~"

Three triangles appeared in front of me, my eyes widened.

"Hiii" Bill said.

"Good to see you again" Will smiled shyly.

"Oh my demons! You're sexy as f***" a red Bill said, and I turned red in both embarrassment and anger. My Bill jumped on him, snatched his hat, smacked the back his head with the hat and placed the hat back.

"Angel, this is Kill, Kill Cipher, and Kill, this is (y/n), my mate" Bill seemed to glare.

"Hello to you three, Bill, come up here" I smiled and motioned Bill to come close. He floated closer to me and I wrapped the scarf around his neck...... or where his neck is supposed to be.

"This is for me? Thank you!" Bill looked pretty happy as he examined the hat.

"He doesn't even have a neck" Kill said bluntly, seemingly judging the yellow triangle.

"It doesn't matt-" before Bill could finish, the scarf fell down. Kill laughed as Bill looked heartbroken. It pained me to see him like that, so I went to my kit, and took out a safety pin and picked up the scarf again. Wrapping the scarf around Bill's neck, I pinned it safely so it wouldn't fall off.

"Here you go" I smiled. Bill did a twirl then hugged me as well as he could.

"Thanks again" he said as he elongated his stick arms and held me, I patted his back. As Bill parted, my gaze fell on Kill and Will, who looked at me sadly, and downheartedly. I offered them a smile too, took out two pins, and the previous scarfs.

"I have two scarfs for you too" I walked up to Will and wrapped the scarf and pinned it, doing the same with Kill. They both seemed happy.

"Thanks!" They exclaimed and hugged me. I just smiled.

"Angel, they are going to stay here for a while because we figured out (your part evil counterpart form Will's dimension) and (Your extremely bubbly and cheerful self from Kill's dimension) won't allow us to be together with them around." Bill said with crossed arms, and looking angry, though he still is normal.

"And I will let you all together with ne around?" I gave him a look. He shrugged. I just rolled my eyes.

"Fine by me, as long as you fix the things that you will destroy, no killing or murdering, don't even dare to torture Mabel and Dipper" I told them. The three triangle fellas gave me a salute and marched away in the air, their scraps trailing behind.

"Hey (y/n)" Mabel smiled, looking at me as she came in the room, I smiled back.

I woke up to rustling near my bedpost. I glanced up to see Will tangled up in the dreamcatcher me, Dipper and Mabel made together. His triangle body was totally stuck, as his big eye was filled with tears, a faint pink visible on his body

"I am so sorry, Bill talked me into this, I didn't wanted to scare you, I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me, I'll never do this again, I'm so sorry" Will showered me with apologies.

"Hey hey, it's okay,I'm not going to hurt Blue Bird, I'm your sister right, why would I hurt you? Come on dear, let me get you out" I said softly and put the dream catcher on my bed, taking out scissors from my bedside table making sure Will won't see it. "Okay, close your eye" I told him as he closed his eye. I cut one string, and put the scissor away, then worked my way freeing him. As soon as I freed him, he turned human and hugged me, knocking me down on the bed, still not letting go and curled up on me, apologizing over and over again. I patted his back. He was surprisingly very light.

"Its okay, don't worry" I spoke softly and laid him down on my bed, and wrapped him in the bedsheets. "Now, get some rest while I get ready" I told him and he nodded and snuggled closer to the blankets.

Will and me sat on the couch, I sat there watching Will draw.

"(Y/n)" Dipper and Mabel said together. Will jumped on me and hugged me tight, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I held him tight.

"Take a look" Mabel said, Dipper and her both held out dreamcatchers, I watched as Bill and Kill wiggled and struggled to get free.

"Don't ask" they both said together. I snickered.

"Will, calm down, this is not the Mabel and Dipper that you know, they both are kind and gentle, I swear she won't hurt you" I looked down at him as he looked up at me and gave me a small nod.

I watched as Will and Kill sat together with Mabel and Dipper. Kill was annoying Dipper, Will was sitting with Mabel, making a scrapbook. Bill was singing a karaoke sitting beside me.

Suddenly, Bill stopped, curious, I looked at him, only to watch as he jumped on Dipper and stood up kind of protectively, Will and Mabel cowered in the corner in surprise, as Kill held a huge mechanical chainsaw. Will screamed and fainted as Kill held the chainsaw in the air, Mabel held her arms above her head to protect her head. Dipper jumped up and scooped Mabel in his arms protectively. Kill swung the chainsaw at Dipper and Bill jumped just in time as the chainsaw went down on him, cutting him in half till his solar plexus. As the blood and organs and weird stuff from his body flew around, I got a heart attack. I let out a scream and jumped off the couch and tackled Kill in rage, knocking him to the ground, the chainsaw flew around and hit the TV. I held Kill by his throat and squeezed it tight, shaking him at the same time.

"What in the hell do you think you were doing you idiot!?!? You dare hurt my Bill! I'll kill you!!" I shook and choked him until his face turned black, at which point, I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me up.

"Let go Bill! I hate violence, how dare he hurt you guys, I'll kill him" I struggled in his grasp. He hugged me from behind and I heard a snap, everything turned normal as Kill had fainted. I calmed down as Bill turned me around and kissed me.

"I didn't know you cared for me that much" He said after we parted.

"Shut the f*** up, you know well enough" I growled. He gave me a sheepish smile and kissed me again.

All my neighbours cowered in my house in fear of Bill and Kill as I watched the news. My eyes half lifted and my lips in a straight line, making a -_- face. Will hid behind me. Mabel and Dipper both beside me, watching with a surprised face. The TV showed how Bill and Kill have gone mad and destroying everything and everyone. Right now, they are in Europe, and I am in (hometown).

As I watched them reduce the population of this world, I got bored.

"Bill, come back, it isn't fun, for us at least, and bring Kill with you" I spoke to the air. Bill disappeared from the TV and appeared in front of me, with Kill, my neighbours went berserk and ran out my home screaming.

"Who wants to watch horror movies?" I asked them.

"Me!" Bill, Will, Mabel, and Dipper said.

Afterwards, we all sat on the couch with snacks and drinks and had a horror movie marathon.

Hope you guys enjoyed, even if it wasn't that good.

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