Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"You are so cube " I complimented the square shaped demon. I was bored and decided to shower the demon with some puns that kept attacking my head. The human Tad reading some storybook blushed blue.

"Stop making those silly puns" he groaned at me as he turned away.

"You hurt my feelings Tad, am I not punny?" I asked with a funny look, a michievious smile evident on face. Tad groaned again, probably blushing harder.

"Don't worry, I got femur puns for ya" I said with a smirk, referring to the skeleton inside me.

"Does being with me tickles your funny bone or something?" He asked as he turned to look at me, wiggling his brows. I burst out in laughter as I sat on the bed.

"Nah, it just stirrups my joking side" I came back at him perfectly.

"I think I'm just too perfect angled for you" he grinned, trying to flirt.

"True, but you are just a tad bit too perfect for me" I laughed hard and he gave me a 'are you serious' look.

"I am going to keep an eye on you" he pointed to an eye that was on my bedside.

"You sure are full of eyes" I laughed pointing out all the eye shapes on the wall.

"Wow kid, I give it to you, that was very lame" Tad smirked at me.

"That's because I didn't have any thyme" I did a dramatic bow on the bed.

"That was really bed" he laughed.

"But it stirruped your funny bone" I pointed out, giggling.

"That's so right" he said, it took me a while to understand his pun.

"Tad, are you from the geometrical world, because you are so edgy" I joked. He laughed.

"I'm not edgy!" He managed to say as he puffed up his cheeks.

"Sure, and I'm not (y/n), come on, there must be a reason for why you want to get revenge" I asked him, getting on the point as I sat with my legs crossed on the bed.

"He killed my family, my soulmate, my everyone. I have the right to be angry" he suddenly growled, possibly thinking about Bill.

"You're so right-angled" I raised my hands in surrender hearing his threat. Suddenly Tad broke into a smile.

"You're unbelievable" he just shook his head and disappeared. I smiled at myself, proud of what I have done, at least my lame puns made him laugh, and ease my boredom.


"Mmmm...." I ate the ice cream. "You snow, this sore is ice" I said, proud of my three puns in the same sentence.

"Oh my lord, no" Tad made a funny face at me.

"What? I know I'm cool, don't give me that look" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Quit it already" he said with a smile.

"Awwe, but its too spoon to do so" I whined, putting another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"This is forking unbelievable" he laughed at his pun.

"Aye dude, don't worry, I have your backbone" I smiled at him.

"If so, then I should call you my vertebae" he looked at me with a smirk.

"Knock knock" I said to him, eating another spoon of the icy goodness.

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