Chapter 6

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Ten years later:

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat in the library, in front of the public computer, listening to the audio.

My time has come to burn,
I invoke the ancient power that I may return" Bill spoke.

Since my two gruncles were back, I asked Stan to send me a tape of what were Bill's last words. He sent me the tape, telling me that these were his exact last words, the tape was gibberish. I decided to play around with and I reversed it. Turns out, Bill has finally invoked Axolotl's name or as the salamander deity said.

When I heard the Axolotl's words about Bill and these words, my mind came to a conclusion. Bill might be alive, in a different era or different time period and in a different form. I packed up my stuff and went home. Today is the final day of long school and tomorrow is the first day of summer break. As I went back home, I was shocked at the sight.

There, on my front porch, was a young man, out cold. He looked around 20 or something. He had blonde bangs and deep brown, almost black hair, his one eye was covered with a triangular eyepatch. He was wearing a golden suit with a tailcoat and a golden cape with Bill's eye on it. He even had a cane beside him, his arms were covered with black gloves. He was also wearing a top hat and a bow tie, and he was.... dapper, neat. Now that I think about it, his appearance is strikingly similar to Bill's. He even had eyelashes like that. I examined the sleeping fellow, it was Bill! I can sense his presence anywhere, and it's the same as ten years ago. But, now that I noticed up close, he's hurt, that idiot, what did he do this time?.

I poked him, he's a squishy human, woah. Unlocking my door, I put my stuff on the table and hurried outside, looking around to see if anyone's watching, then dragging Bill inside. He was surprisingly light so I picked him up and set him on the bed in my spare bedroom, which used to be mine before my parents death, now, I have taken their room. I set him down and took out my medical kit, gladly, there isn't any wound I can't fix. I patched him up and then put my things away, even those that were chilling around on the table in the living room.

I never expected to see Bill, not like this at all, this is new, even for me. As time passed by, Bill still didn't woke up, which worried me, but I figured out he was doing fine, so I just had my dinner and went to bed.


"Hello (y/n)" I heard a huge salamander say.

"A-axolotl?" I asked, weirded out.

"Yes, I am Axolotl. I suppose you already found Bill and figured out why he's human" he asked and I nodded.

"Good, because he will need your help. He still has his powers, and a few additional ones too, but, he has a human body. Meaning, he needs food, sleep and a shelter" Axolotl said.

"And you want me to help him with that " I guessed.

"Yes" he agreed.

"Why?" I whined.

"I figured you would find out by yourself, but, you're his mate, just like every demon has one" he said. How could he say something like that so simply!?!? My mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"Don't be so shocked, it's no coincidence. It is fate and destiny, don't worry too much. I wanted to help you out. Listen closely, being human, Bill will get nightmares about his deeds and he will need you. Don't worry too much about his past, ask him, he'll surely tell you someday. And make a deal with him so he would listen to your every command" Axolotl said.

"But what would I give him in return?" I hesitantly asked.

"His basic needs" the Axolotl said. I crossed my arms and shot him a look.

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