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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I am going to Gravity Falls. Its been an year since I have last seen Bill. Since I had to return to college, I decided to leave Bill with Stan and Ford and went to complete my college, instead of having him with me, as the others insisted to keep him. And right now, after so long, I'll see my Bill again. We used to talk on phone or sometimes Skype too, and these new powers are absolutely handy and fun, even though they sometimes get out of control.

As I exited the bus, I was glomped by the one and only, Bill Cipher.

"I missed you so much Angel Bagel!" He cried in my shirt. They burn badly, especially now that I'm an angel, but I don't mind, since I can heal them.

"And I won't leave you ever again my dorito demon" I smiled.

"Good" he cuddled to my stomach, sniffing.

"Bill, we can do this later, we need to go to our house first" I told him. We had gotten a house here, and a job at the shack too! It was all smooth. Dipper has started working with Ford, and Mabel has started her career as a singer. She is quite famous around as well.

Bill teleported us to our home, straight on bed. The luggage on the other side of room. I tried to get up but he wouldn't let go.

"Bill" I whined.

"After so long, I'm not going to let go of you. So don't even dare" he said with no mood of going back. I just sighed in defeat and curled up against him.

"I missed you" he kissed me. I kissed back.

"I missed you too" I smiled at him after the kiss. He smiled back at me.

"You know, I have so much to tell you" he said excitedly.

"About your mischief havocs" I guessed with a finger under my chin.

"Yes indeed" he said with content face and I laughed.

"Was you dad a boxer? Because you sure are a knockout" Bill said. I laughed hard.

"You're stupid" I told him flicking his forehead.

"Yeah but only for you" he said with a smile.

"Sure" I smiled back teasingly.

"My cute little smoll bean" he kissed me, and I blushed.

"Hey!" I hit him playfully. He just laughed as he shielded his face.

The rest of our day went by laughing, cuddling and spending time with each other. Bill sure missed me a lot that he broke down crying when he mentioned about after I left. I had to calm him down with shopping and movies.

The next day, I met up with others, and had fun.

My life is as perfect as it could get. And I don't need anything else.

Buy everything can't be good, right?

I never expected what would come next....


This is the final part of the story, but worry not, for all the support you guys gave me, I have got a gift for you, a halloween special, yay!

Just you guys have to wait till Halloween, yep, I'll post it that day

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now