Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Bill, get off!" I snapped, I'm really sleepy and Bill is bugging me, and I am hating it, and he is loving it. It's been a week in Reverse Falls and Bill still has no idea how we could go home.

"No" he whined, dumping cold water on me, making me sit up abruptly, gasping. I was angry, and that's it!

"Who the hell do you think you are!?! You moron! Why in the heavens would you dump water on me!?!? Have you lost your f***ing mind! Oh wait! Of course! You don't have a mind to begin with!" I threw insults at him repeatedly in my blind anger. He looked shocked but then he got angry.

"Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?!" He growled and snarled.

"Oh yes, I'm sure I'm talking to a moronic mindless, stupid triangle dorito!" I threw back, huffing in fury. He looked angry, but not more than me, I saw regret in his eyes.

"I am not mindless! My mind is sharper than yours" he spat back and crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah! Well, your sharp mind definitely doesn't know how to wear clothes" I snapped at him.

"The knowledge you have is nothing as compared to mine!" he yelled back.

"Don't forget that I told your contract" I warned with a yell.

"Well, I can always break the contract by killing you" he snapped.

"Really!? I don't think so Dorito man! You don't have the guts!" I shouted, challenging him.

"You think I care about you! Well, you are wrong! I don't give a f*** whether you live or die! You heard me, I don't care!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. My anger dissipated all of a sudden.

"Really? You don't?" I asked, my voice loud and clear, but Bill failed to notice the slightest bit of pain in my voice.

"Yes, I don't! Go head and jump down a cliff, rot in hell, commit suicide, drown yourself or whatever! And see if I care! Ugh, I regret keeping you alive when you were a kid, I was just so stupid" he snapped with so much anger and hatred. That hurts.... but I deserve it, I don't deserve him,

"Fine, if you want me to die, then so be it, I'll leave you so you could enjoy the rest of your life, without me, or even a trace of me" I opened the bedroom door and made my way through the house, exiting through the front door.

I went through the empty town and to the small lake that Will showed me. During our time here, I grew close to Will, I love him like my own little brother, he's just so precious. And apparently, Bill and (t/n) had also grown closer, but not in a sister brother way, in some other way that I don't know yet. As I went close to the lake, I saw another figure curled up near the lake. Under the moonlight, I recognized the figure as Will, i watched him from afar. He stood up, and after a while, raised his foot directly above the lake. Panicking, I ran up to him and pulled him by his collar, making his stumble and fell on top of me. He used his arms to support himself and looked into my eyes. I panted heavily, his eyes widened. I didn't realize the other dream demon watching us, the particular demon left with a sad sigh. Will stood up quickly and pulled me up as well.

"What were you going to do Will!?!?" I asked him with a shaky and panicked voice. He flinched then broke down crying, falling to his knees and sobbing hysterically. I immediately began feeling regret, guilt and remorse. I bent down beside him and made myself comfortable, then put my hand on Will's back.

"I'm sorry Will, for scaring you. But what were you going to do?" I asked with a soft voice.

"I-its okay, it's my fault anyways, I was going to kill myself, I'm useless and a burden to everyone." He sobbed relentlessly.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now