Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat in the lounge, my head poking out from under a ripped curtain. Today, Bill had gone into destruction mode after eating ten full sized chocolates. And thus, this happened.

The paint is totally chipped and the furniture is thrown around, upside down, or hanging from the ceiling. The TV is destroyed and smashed, the couch is upside down and I'm currently sitting on top of it, and the sofa is hanging from the ceiling, how that heavy thing managed to do that, I have no idea. The burners of the kitchen are on fire, the microwave is broken, the tap is broken and water is overflowing on the floor. Glass shards are littering the floor as if they own it, my poor baby floor and Bill reigns supreme, floating around, dancing and sprinkling flour on the floor. I had long given up trying to stop him.

The house was fully destroyed, expect the first floor of course. Before Bill could go there, he had fallen asleep, on the floor, but not on any glass shards. With a sigh, I got up and looked at the demon's peaceful and serene form, I wanted to wake him up to fix everything, but.... I can't. Guess I'll just have him clean up after he's up. I took a jacket from upstairs and draped it over him, looking down at him with my hands on hips.


Bill watched me, amused, yet wincing every time I pulled it out. He took one in hand and began playing with it, before he could harm himself further, I snatched it from him and pulled another one out. Once I had pulled all of them out, which took an hour, I slapped Bill.

"You idiot! Why did you do that!?!" I asked, angry. He pouted holding his cheek.

"They looked pointy" he whined. I facepalmed with a groan.

"My dear idotic insane Dorito dream demon, just because something's pointy doesn't mean you touch it. And even if you did touched it, why did you have to poke all of the needles in your arms. And I thought we had gone through this before?" I scolded him out loud and myself in my mind.

"You only said about sharp things, and pain-" he was interrupted by me.

"Don't you dare say that again" I warned, he just sat down with crossed arms and a pout.


"Angel, look what I found!" Bill said holding out a box to me. I took it and dusted it off. I opened the box and smiled fondly, it's my scrap book that has all my and Bill's moments from ten years ago, and the dress that Bill gave me that time. Bill smiled at the dress.

"You still have it? I thought that you would... you know, get rid of it" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah..... I kept it because it reminded me of you, plus, I used to love it, I still do" I touched the fabric.

"You're crying" I heard Bill speak with a concerned tone. I touched my cheek and it was wet. I wiped my face on my sleeve.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Anyways, let's see this scrapbook" I smiled wide at Bill then took out the book. Opening it up, the first page was of Bill, and he was angry.

"Wow Bill, your stick arms and legs are so cute, you should be a dorito more" I said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah" Bill dismissed me with a blush.

The next page, Bill and me were cuddling.

"When did that happened?" Bill looked surprised.

"Mabel clicked our picture" I blushed a bit. There were many pictures, me chasing Bill, me decorating Bill with flowers like buttercup and blossoms, Bill eating doritos, Bill under the bed.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now