Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I looked around for Dipper, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Climbing on the rooftop, I looked around once more and started walking on the convenient rooftop.

"Dipper!" I yelled out but when I got no answer, I became sad. My eyes fell down, and there was Dipper, sitting on the rooftop above his window, that was shaped like Bill, my spirits lifted up as I called out to him and just as I took a step forward, I slipped and tumbled down the roof and fell down. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but instead I felt two arms hold me.

"Dipper?" I opened my eyes "Dorito!" I exclaimed with pure glee.

"Hey Angel, how's you? You should be more careful, you could have broken a bone or two, and we don't want that, now do we?" He said, putting me safely on the roof. Remembering Dipper's words, I only nodded. Bill raised his brow.

"Hey Pine Tree, you know, it's not nice to tell a kid not to talk to you" Bill turned around. I saw Dipper. I gasped, but didn't say anything. "And looks like you got her good, she isn't even talking, and I am not liking it at all" Bill said 'not' in a low demonic voice. Dipper shivered and looked at me with a pleading look and then he sighed.

"(Y/n), you know, it's okay to talk to him, just don't make any deals" Dipper told me. Bill looked satisfied.

"So Angel, did you miss me?" Bill asked "admit it, you missed me, I know you did~" he floated in front of me happily, I know because there was a semi circle under his eye, so he looked really happy. I giggled.

"I did miss you" I smiled before hugging him to the best of my ability, its not easy to hug a triangle after all.

"Heh, I missed you too Angel, you know that, and I usually don't miss anyone" I could tell he was lying.

"Are you lying?" I asked, parting and looking at him.

"No, I am not" he lied.

"No you are" I pointed out. He sighed.

"Listen Angel, if someone lies about a particular thing again and again, it means they don't want to tell you about it" Bill said. I nodded with a smile.

"Its alright, I don't mind" I gave him a thumbs up and a smile. He looked satisfied.

"Heya Pine Tree" Bill said sitting between us happily "wanna hear my impression of you in three seconds?" Without waiting for an answer, Bill wrapped his arm around me and screamed waving his other arm like noodles. Everything became normal and Dipper screamed, I jumped and if it wasn't for Bill holding me tightly, I would have surely fallen. Wow, he can see the future, cool.


I climbed up the stairs to Dipper and Mabel's room.

"Hey Dipp-" I looked at Dipper whose hand was in the drawer. It was Bill, I could feel it.

"Bill! How did you become Dipper? Did you do the thing like you did with Soos? Wait a second, Dipper told me you could only do that in mindscape....... " I gasped in realisation "You possessed his body, didn't you" I ran up to him and poked his cheeks. "Cool, can you please teach me too?" I jumped in excitement.

"Sure" Bill-Dipper laughed.

"Yay" I hugged him smiling. He patted my back.

"Angel, how did you know it's me?" Bill asked, poking my cheek.

"I just got a feeling it was you, plus, your eyes" I smiled cheekily. He squished my cheeks.

"I guess kids aren't so bad, on second thought, only you are good" he said before sitting down with me, I noticed a fork stuck in his arm. I looked at it questioningly. He noticed it too and laughed.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now