Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Angel~" I heard Bill say. I hummed in response.

"Look, how do I look?" He gave me a pose in his new vessel. His original vessel lying on the couch, as if asleep.

"Not good" I said looking at him. He pouted.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you look good the way you are" I said before turning around and cutting the vegetables. "And let go of the poor kid's body"

"But we had a deal" he whined.

"I know you probably tricked the kid" I smiled. "Come on Bill, just get in your body, we have shopping to do"

"Fine fine" he said before the body of the boy fell down and Bill woke up.

"Where are we going?" He peeked from behind me as I put the sliced veggies away. I washed my hands and turn around only to see the boy running away screaming.

"Bill, you possessed a thirteen year old's body?" I asked, surprised.

"Mhmm yes, where are we going Angel?" Bill asked again.

"We are going to the mall" I said going upstairs to get ready, not surprised by Bill's antics.

"Why?" Bill asked floating right beside me.

"To get you clothes" I booped his nose. "And other things" I turned to my room. "And don't come inside, I need to change, don't you even think about about sneaking on me" I warned with a glare. He pouted and crossed his arms, floating as I closed the door on him. Quickly changing my clothes, I picked up my phone and wallet. I turned around to see him leaning on the closed door. I gave him a look.

"I just came in" he raised his hands in surrender. My face broke into a smile as I took him by his arm and pulled him out my room then the house. He just followed, tumbling. I locked the house and started walking. Bill followed, floating.

I whipped around and pulled him down to the ground, with wide eyes. I held him down with his shoulders, my hold being tight, I brought my face close to him.

"Don't float or fly in public" I ordered with stern eyes. He nodded meekly, as if scared.

"Good" I let him go before beginning to walk. Bill trailed behind me. I have always thought about how different he acts around me. Then again, I vividly remember Gruncle Ford mentioning that I was his mate, like all other demons have. I decided to tease him a bit.

"So Bill, how come you act so different around me? Not like I mind, but it's weird" I asked slowing down as he catched up with me.

"I-I... I honestly don't know, I just feel weird around you, I always had. It makes me want to listen to your every single word, look at you for forever and never blink, protect you from harm and make you smile" he said, smiling looking deep into space. I blushed, what he just said is something that every girl wants to hear from their boyfriends, and he isn't even my boyfriend.

"Bill, stop, just stop" I said, speeding up my pace.

"What? Did I do something? I don't think I did..." He gave me a concerned look, a slight hint of panic in his eyes but he kept his composure.

"No, you didn't do anything" I just shook my head. "Come on, we are close" I quickened my pace, but of course, Bill being Bill, he caught up easily. We finally reached the mall. Bill looked around with a crooked grin.

"This place is so......... full of people" he said.

"We are not here to take over the mall or do genocide, come on, we are here to buy stuff for you, since you look......... classy in that suit" I said, examining him.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now