Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

Hmm.... Let's see..... this is good.

"Stop moving!" I threw a cotton ball at Bill. He dodged it and picked it up, looking at it with raised eyebrows then back at me. "Don't give me that look, I'm drawing for God's sake" I whined.

"Mind your language lady, I don't like the last second word you said" Bill rebuked me.

"Which one? Drawing?" I asked and he shook his head, "sake?" He shook his head again, "God?" He nodded. "Fair enough, but stop moving, once I get over with the line art, you can go do whatever you want, but in my line of vision" I added before Bill could get the wrong idea. He pouted.

Sometime later, I finished the lineart and began colouring, my eyes catching Bill everyone in a while to make sure the colours fit.

"Why are you doing this again?" Bill asked.

"For an all knowing demon, you know nothing" I said not bothering to look up.

"Its not like I can read your mind" I could practically hear him rolling his eye.

"Come on Bill, don't be like that, I always tell you the truth whenever you ask me a question" I said, adding the finishing touch.

"Yeah well, you never told me about your family" he accused.

"My family? You want to know about them?" I finished and looked up at him. He nodded. I sighed, "well, clean up the mess, and take a seat, I'll tell you once I wash my hands" I told him getting up and going to the bathroom. I washed away the colours from my hands and dried them with a hand towel. Going back to the lounge, I saw Bill already sitting on the couch, my art stuff was gone. I went closer to Bill to see him holding the picture I drew, smiling. I smiled and poked him, scaring him out of his skin, literally. I laughed as his soul floated above his body which was lying limp on the couch. He puffed his cheeks and I laughed.

He picked me up, set me beside him and went to his body, then sat up and gave me a look. My chuckles quieted down, but instantly became silent as I remember what we were going to talk about.

"Let's start from after I met you. When I came back home, it was all nice and happy, but, next year, on the same day we defeated you once and for all, mom and dad got in a car crash and died, so, there is not much I can tell you about them. My mom was nice, but used to embarrass me a lot for fun, but yeah, she was kind and nice. My dad, he cared for me a lot, but never showed it. Though I know he did. It was devastating for my eleven year old self. Events like those made me what I am now, they made me strong, and now, I can totally rely on myself for something" I smiled fondly at the memories of my childhood. I'm past their death and living my life because that's they would want.

"Tell me about your childhood" he asked, leaning in, completely immersed in my backstory.

"Hmm... I'll start from the beginning, I used to a really cheery, bubbly and energetic kid, as per you remember, though, I was naïve. So, everything was good, for a kid, that is if you don't count the tears that fell after you were 'gone'. Yeah yeah, I missed you a lot more than you think. I cried for a week. So, after that, it all slowly went to normal, though I never forgot about you. When my parents died, you know, kids started bullying me, not hurting, but just teasing and pushing me around. During that time, Dipper and Mabel and their parents took me in, they all encouraged me to become stronger and fight for myself. And when I went to college, their teachings proved to be really useful. No one ever bullied me. Do you know, I attended my college to convince myself that I have moved on" I looked at Bill with a rueful smile. He looked into my eyes, then smiled.

"I'm proud of you, and I bet your parents are also" Bill pecked my forehead.

"What about you?" I looked at Bill, he made a genuinely confused face. "I mean, what is your backstory, not to be pushy but, I told you mine, it's only fair that you tell me yours" I said. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights, he stiffened up, then slowly relaxed, slumping and looking down." It's okay if you don't want to tell me Bill" I said, concerned.

"No no, it's better to get off my chest, I need to lift those useless weight off" he said looking down at his lap, I put my hand on his shoulder to encourage him. "You know, I used to have parents, and yes, they were triangles too. I even had an older brother, and a younger sister. Being the middle child, my parents never gave me much attention, or affection for that matter. I despised my dimension, it was nothing but a flat world with flat dreams, even their minds were flat and I hated it" Bill's eye lit up on fire, literally "though I never said anything. I used to be reckless, when I was very young, that is. You know, everyone in my world were boring, and even my own brother and sister, they got accustomed to the world, but I never did. Because of boredom, I used to cause lots of trouble and problems for other demons. But when, my family decided to kill me, I snapped, I liberated my own dimension!" He began laughing madly, his eyes being slits "I set everything on fire! I destroyed them! And I created a new world! Where no one ever got bored, a fun world, with a party whose host never dies!" Bill fell on the floor, crying and laughing together, looking like a psychopath, I just sat there, never taking my eyes off him. His mad laughing, included with crying, sounded like he was choking. Bill was wriggling and shaking on the floor, chuckling, giggling, laughing, guffawing, cackling, sobbing, crying, wailing, and screaming. Concerned, I hesitantly kneeled beside him, his eyes were red, and so were his hair and his dress, the black being white.

(A/N: wut?)

I put my hand on Bill's shoulder "Bill? Are you okay?" His head whipped towards me, so fast that I heard bones pop. I cringed. He sat up immediately and let out a low chuckle. He stood up and looked down at my form, still on the floor wondering his intentions.

"Okay?" He asked, still chuckling, like an insane person that is "you're asking me if I'm okay!?!?" He suddenly screamed making me jump and put some distance between us. He began cackling madly, tears dropping down his eye and blue, shimmering tears from his covered one. "Okay!?!? No!!! I'm not Okay!!!" He lunged at me screaming madly, my back collided with the floor as he pinned me down and I let out a yelp, his body crushing mine, he growled. His eyepatch dissipated, revealing a black eyeball with yellow intricate patterns, depicting Bill's Cipher wheel. "After all I've been through!!!! After evrything I've done!!!! No!!! I'm not fucking Okay!!!!" He snapped. I was shaking in fear by now, Bill looked monstrous. His skin was yellow, his hair and clothes were both red. His other eye was black with red slits. His mouth was ripped open, literally, with sharp rows of teeth covering the whole mouth, a long tongue black tongue could be seen. I was honestly never afraid of him, but this is the first time he's lashed out at me like this, and I'm honestly scared, tears filled my eyes, but I refused to let them out, even though I tried to stop it, I let out a whimper, shaking.

(A/N: wut? Wut!? Wut!!?? WUT!?!? The hell have I typed)

Bill suddenly froze, he looked down at my small form, his eyes widened in realisation as his appearance went back to normal, he quickly got off me, but I flinched at the sudden movements. I curled up on the floor, my eyes never leaving Bill. He looked down at me, his face showing regret and guilt.

"I am so sorry" he apologized and looked down, disappearing. I sniffed and wiped my tears away, trying my best to calm down.

...........No comments.........

Wow, I can't actually believe I've typed this. So unreal, jeez Bill, no need to get so worked up.

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