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Jaemin's eyes got widden, and he let out a very surprising answer.

"You just talked."

For the first time ever since Jaemin sat there, Renjun took his eyes off the paper and stared at Jaemin. Their eyes met again for the second time.

"So?" Renjun retorted.

"No, I just... You didn't talk much," Jaemin stuttered.

"We're not in the same class, of course I didn't talk to you."

"In the hospital..."

"I got hit by a ball, did you expect me to conversate when I can barely walk?"

"No," Jaemin looked down at his own book, "Of course not."

Minutes passed by when suddenly Renjun sighed, "Sorry. This is why I can't make a lot of friends."

Jaemin examined the boy in front of him. He was looking way more frustrated.


Renjun thought before he answered, "I got easily irritated by people."

"Oh," Jaemin nodded, "Did I irritate you?"

"You got on my nerve for a second," Renjun chuckled, "Don't worry, a lot of people did when they first met me. Even Chenle."

"That kid is loud."

"Sure, but he's friendly and very helpful," Renjun said, "Helped me with Korean language when I first got here."

"You're from China?"


"Why did you move here?"

"I got a scholarship."

"You—whoa," Jaemin laid back on his seat, "And you're here, studying for the National—what the hell?"


"Never mind, I just got blown away by the fact that you're actually a real smartass," Jaemin shrugged, "I've heard of it, but still."

"You're good at basketball, yourself," Renjun replied, "Just... Not good with needles."

"Bro," Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"I'm not mocking you. It is normal, to be scared of something even though it's only a small object. Fear is a part of a human being, and it's what makes you alive."

Renjun focused back on his paper, while Jaemin stared at him, completely struck.

"Hey, do you want to help me with my Sociology project?" Jaemin blurted out.


"Bah! It's raining!" Jeno groaned, "How can it be raining when it's autumn?"

Jaemin just smiled in response, he didn't mind the rain. The weather phenomenon was the reason why he started to swoon over Huang Renjun, anyway. They just got out of basketball practice, and was about to walk home together when they realized that it was raining.

"You've started out your Sociology project?" Jaemin asked.

Jeno, who was chugging down half of his water bottle paused, "Yeah. Yeah I have."

"I don't get it, what are we supposed to do?" Jaemin asked.

"Do whatever you want, dude. You can interview the person, like what I did with Jisung. Or you can do that tv shits, a day in life with bla bla bla."


"Why? Have you asked anybody?"

"Yes, I have."

"Who was it, then?"

Jaemin thought before answered, "Chenle."

"Wow, that's great. I mean, he has personality... like a dolphin."

Jaemin laughed at it, but inside, he replayed the moment he asked Renjun and got turned down.

"What project?" Renjun asked.

"We have to shoot a video about a person that we think is interesting."

"And what's interesting about me, if I may ask, Na Jaemin?"

"You're like... Smart as hell."

"...that's it?"


"I don't know about you, but I definitely will get bored if I have to sit and watch a documenter about people like me. Why don't you ask Chenle instead?"

Jaemin facepalmed at himself. He stupidly agreed to Renjun. Of course he wouldn't get bored! It's Huang Renjun, for goodness' sake!

And it was a lame ass reason, because he's smart. Huang Renjun, the boy who was secretly in love with the rain. That's what he was dying to find out! Stupid Jaemin.

Chenle happily said yes to the request, though. So, Jaemin didn't feel so pressured about it. He wanted to do his project and get a good grade, Chenle wanted to help him with it and he was willing to. Renjun? He didn't even put an interest on it.

Jaemin forced himself to believe that everything was going to be okay with Chenle.

Written : March 16th 2018
Published : April 22nd 2018
Double update because you guys are rad :)

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