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When Renjun said he wanted to change, he meant the heck out of it.

A week later, and Jaemin had already found him hanging out around Donghyuck and some other people in school. Even Lucas just fist-bumped the lanky boy on the hallway this morning.

So, when Renjun sat next to him at lunch, Jaemin quickly grabbed the boy's shoulder and shook him.

"You're socializing!" Jaemin squealed, "My boy has finally spread his wings!"

"Nana, shut up, it's just a few people," Renjun clicked his tongue, but his cheeks reddened.

Jeno, on the other side of the table, snorted, "Hm, let's count, yeah. All of your classmates, minus Jisung and Chenle, that's thirty three. Donghyuck, Lucas, and Mark. Thirty six. The cool seniors from Drama club, Doyoung and Chittaphon. Thirty eight... Oh! Don't forget the school's sweetheart, Jungwoo. Did you know he hooked up with Lucas, Jaem? I swear to God—well, the point is, you're getting more friends! That's great!"

"Your face doesn't reflect what you were saying, Jeno," Renjun chuckled, "Are you jealous?"

"No! What the hell, no!" Jeno threw a small pea towards him, "I'm being a proud Papa."

"Who is the Mama?"

"I am," Chenle slammed his tray next to Jeno and sat down.

"Then what am I?" Jisung, who followed the dolphin boy around, sat down too.

"You're Renjun's pet," Chenle smiled at Jisung and turned to Renjun, "He's your dog from now on."

"I'm being left out," Jaemin faked a pout.

"No, of course not," Jeno smirked, "You're his wife."

Jaemin choked on his soup while Renjun's eyes got widened.

"Oh, calm your nerves down, I'm just kidding," Jeno rolled his eyes, "But, honestly, though, I really ship you both."

"Jeno!" Jaemin sent an inappropriate hand gesture to Jeno, he didn't even realize someone was coming to their table.

"Hey, Renjun. I was wondering if you can help me with the new script? I'm kinda lost."

It was Kim Doyoung, the president of the Drama club. Tall, smart, and cute as a bunny, Doyoung was another school sweetheart. He wrote his own plays and everyone enjoyed his work. Jaemin didn't know much about him, since he's a twelfth grader, but people always said that Doyoung was the nicest man alive.

"Sure, hyung," Renjun nodded, "Now?"

"Ah, I was going to say so, but seemed like you haven't finished your meal and—"

"No, I'm good," Renjun pushed his tray towards Jisung who didn't have any food, "Here, Jisung."

Jaemin only saw when the orbit of his life stood up and said "see you after school" to them. He left with Doyoung, chatting with a big smile plastered to his face.

"Someone is jealous."

Jaemin snapped his head towards Jeno, "I'm not."

"Bruh," Jeno rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

"Renjun-hyung gave me his leftover. I really feel like I'm his dog," Jisung scrunched up his nose but still took a bite of the older's hot dog.

"Yay, puppy!" Chenle squealed in joy and ruffled Jisung hair, making the taller lad blushed.

At least someone was happy.

Written : March 22nd 2018
Published : May 23rd 2018
Early update today cus I might not be able to update later. Finals are killing me. But hey, thank you for all the reads, the comments, the vote. Thank you for adding this story into your library, your reading list. Thank you for #1 in Renmin tag for over a week. And now, thank you for #9 in Jaemin tag. YA'LL SO UWU AYAYAY. I'm going to write another story for ya'll, gonna publish it after ROS is completed. UWU.

Renjun or Jeno?

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