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The next day, Jaemin walked through the school hallway with an empty feeling... and also an empty stomach. He refused to eat Taeyong's pancakes, because he felt like he was going to throw up. The older lad finally packed him a lunchbox, alongside with a small carton of chocolate milk.

Jaemin ate Taeyong's broccoli soup slowly, while his eyes never left his Geography notebook. He didn't have any upcoming quiz or test, he did that to avoid staring at Renjun.

Even though he didn't want to talk to Jaemin, Renjun still sat on their table. Mainly because Chenle and Jisung were there. He spoke with Jeno, and had a small chit chat with Donghyuck.

Jaemin wanted to pull his hair out of frustration.

"Hello, I'm back," Mark sat next to Donghyuck after he went to the lavatory, "What did I miss?"

"Me, of course," Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

Mark smiled softly at his boyfriend, "Of course. But seriously, what did I miss?"

"Well, aside from the thick tension, Renjun told us that the play will be held next week on Wednesday. On the last two periods." Jisung said.

Jaemin raised one of his eyebrows, he didn't hear that detail. He was thankful that Jisung brought it up.

"Yes, I don't have to attend Math!" Mark grinned to himself, "Are you going to play, Renjun?"

"No, I'm going to make sure everything goes well from the backstage," Renjun informed, "Besides, I don't want to kiss the female character when I have no feelings towards her, you know? That's just not right."

There goes Renjun with his harsh words. Jaemin forgot how venomous his tongue was. Jaemin knew Renjun was talking about him. Jeno seemed to notice this, because the next thing Jaemin knew, Jeno was patting his thigh underneath the table.

"Why? She's hot, you know?" Jisung asked, receiving a pretty good slap on the back of his head from Chenle.

"I don't kiss random people. I will only kiss a person whom I like," Renjun stated and his eyes darted to Jaemin—who had forgotten about his notebook, "And I have a person whom I like now."

Jaemin was panicking inside. Was it him or was it somebody else? Renjun's stare felt so intense, Jaemin had goosebumps all over his body. Was it a way to get his revenge on Jaemin? Because, hell, Jaemin was not ready for it.


"Let me guess, you're here to ask about Renjun-ge. Am I right or am I right?"

Jaemin stared blankly at the boy in front of him. He should've known that asking to Chenle would not be easy. He should've gone to Jisung's.

"Come on in," Chenle opened his front door a little bit wider. Jaemin entered the house and Chenle led him upstairs to his bedroom. In the middle of their way, Chenle yelled out a foreign language that Jaemin didn't understand fully.

He catched mama and baba, which means mother and father in Chinese. Oh, and also wo de hao pengyou, which means my best friend. Probably Chenle was telling his parents that he had a friend over. Jaemin was touched, though, when Chenle called him his best friend.

Once they got inside Chenle's bedroom, Jaemin sat on the bed while Chenle sat on his desk.

"Spill," Chenle smiled widely, as if Jaemin's face showed him happiness instead of desperation.

"Did Renjun told you the person he likes?" Jaemin decided to just shoot at it. He really needed to know.

"And why are you asking?"

"Because I like him a lot and I've confessed but he didn't respond at all!" Jaemin groaned at Chenle.

"Calm down, hyung, I will tell you," Chenle chuckled, "I will tell you if I know about the person, but no I don't. Renjun-ge didn't tell me or Jisung anything about this person. He didn't tell Donghyuck, let alone Mark and Jeno. He somehow became his old self, with a pinch of his new self. He's more talkative and stuff, but he won't talk about himself a lot."

Jaemin sighed and he stared at the palm of his hands. Maybe he really had lost Renjun. What he didn't know was, when he left Chenle's house, the boy laughed his asses off.

"I can't wait for Wednesday to come. The play would be epic," Chenle chuckled as he wiped his tears.

Written : April 15th 2018
Published :  July 4th 2018
It's ending soon :(

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