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"Thanks for the ride, hyung!" Jaemin took off his helmet and gave it back to Taeyong.

"It's okay, Jaemin. I'm glad you were enjoying the whole trip," Taeyong ruffled his hair, "Your parents aren't home yet?"

Jaemin examined the dark windows, knowing that there weren't anybody home. "Nope. They're working late, as usual."

Taeyong just nodded, "Well, if you need anything, you know you can call me or Jeno, right?"

Jaemin smiled, "I know. Don't worry about me. Worry about Jaehyun-hyung and how he's going to be a bit pissed off if you're late."

A laugh errupted from Taeyong, and the guy said good bye to Jaemin. The younger boy sighed as he walked into his front porch, but soon gasped because the door was unlocked.

Jaemin froze for a solid two minutes, panicking. What if there was a burglar inside? What should Jaemin do? Should he call the police? Jaemin thought he shouldn't call the police yet. He would get inside and check the house first. Well, worst scenario if there was really a burglar, would be him getting killed. Jaemin didn't mind though.

Nobody would.

Jaemin stepped inside the house silently. He didn't want the burglar to know that he's there. All of a sudden, the light on the living room got switched on. Jaemin screamed.

"Boy, calm down, it's just me!"

Jaemin stopped but he couldn't believe what he saw.


Hansol, Jaemin's half brother was standing in the middle of their living room. His hair was blond, probably it's his boyfriend's work. Yuta liked to dye his friends' hair, and his boyfriend was no exception. Hansol's smile grew wider when Jaemin ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Don't cry, Nana," Hansol chuckled. He knew that Jaemin was close to tears.

"I'm not crying, hyung," Jaemin closed his eyes, "My eyes are sweating a little bit. Why didn't you call me?"

Hansol crouched in front of Jaemin, "I'm sorry, Nana. I was afraid that you wouldn't answer my call, I was afraid that our parents had finally corrupted you to hate me too. Those were pathetic reasons since I know I was wrong."

Jaemin sniffed, "Hyung, are you stupid? I will not hate you! I'm... I'm just like you."

Hansol's eyes widened, "Since when?"

"Since the start of this semester."

"Is... Is he cute?"

"He's cute, and... God! Hyung, he's like the most adorable, the most brilliant, the most peculiar boy I've ever met!"

Hansol froze before finally he squealed, "My baby brother got a potential soon-to-be boyfriend! Oh my God, I can't believe it! I want to meet this boy as soon as possible."

"Hyung, calm down," Jaemin giggled.

"I can't calm down, this is the best thing I've heard this week! Remember, though, don't let those homophobics know."

Jaemin nodded, "Our parents always come home late, anyway."

After locking the front door, both guys went upstairs to Jaemin's bedroom. Jaemin was afraid that their parents would come home anytime and they would flip out when they saw Hansol.

The truth was, Hansol got kicked out when he was still in high school, because their parents didn't approve him. They were conventional, and despised the fact that Hansol liked boys rather than girls. Jaemin, who was still in junior high school, understood that it's okay for his brother to like boys. He also understood that even though he loved his parents, they were jerks who kicked out their teenage son just because he liked boys.

Since then, Jaemin didn't trust his parents anymore.

Written : March 23rd 2018
Published : May 27th 2018
Hello, I just woke up from a long nap. It's dark outside, and it's raining. I hope you had a great day because I did not hehe. ENJOY THIS UPDATE

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