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"Hi, hyung!"

"Hi, Chenle!" Jaemin ruffled the younger's curly hair, "I see you're doing great today. Hi to you too, Renjun."

Jaemin was chucking in his books inside his locker when the two juniors went over to say hi. Chenle was back to his normal bubbly self, while Renjun seemed a little bit off.

"Hello," Renjun politely said.

"How was the video editing?" Chenle asked, "Did you get what you need?"

"I'm glad you asked about it," Jaemin smiled, "I've submitted the video to my teacher yesterday, I sent it through email. Guess what? I got eighty seven percent. Considering that it's our famous Mr. Kim, then I consider ourselves as successful."

Chenle let out a high pitched squeal that, not only startled people around them, but also startled both Jaemin and Renjun.

"That's amazing!" Chenle grabbed Jaemin's upper arms and shook him back and forth, "That's amazing!"

"Great teamwork, buddy," Jaemin high-fived the dolphin boy, "So, I was thinking... We should hang out together more often. If you're free on Friday night, then we can go to the movie. I'll bring Jeno. You should come with us too, Renjun."

Renjun's eyes widened, "Me?"

"Yes! That's a perfect idea!" Chenle enthusiastically responded, "Come on, ge! You haven't been in the movies ever since you got here right? We're going to have such a great time."

"I don't know, Lele," Renjun hesitated.

"Trust me, it's better to be outside with your friends rather than to stay at home," Jaemin tried to persuade the brown-haired boy.

Renjun sent him a look that said 'are you even my friend?'

"Please, Renjun-ge?" Chenle pouted, "Please?"

Renjun stared at his baby brother slash friend and sighed, "Fine. I'll go with you."

"I love you!" Chenle squealed (startling both of them again) and hugged the hell out of Renjun, "Sweet Lord! Finally you're willing to go out! Okay, I'm going to go to Jisung now. Can I bring him too, Jaemin-hyung?"

"I don't see any reason for you not to," Jaemin patted Chenle's shoulder, "Go get him."

"Okay, then, see you later guys!" Chenle hugged both of them before running off to find Jisung.

Renjun and Jaemin were left in an uncomfortable silence. Renjun sighed once more before heading off.

"Hey," Jaemin called out, "Chenle adores you, a lot."

Renjun stopped and turned around, but didn't take any step towards Jaemin.

"He was sad when you didn't come to school on Friday," Jaemin continued, while resisting the urge to pinch the lanky boy's cheek, "Try to be nice to him."

"I'm only nice to him," Renjun retorted, "In case you didn't notice."

Jaemin smiled, "Then please come to the movie on Friday night. He's been wanting to hang out with you."

Renjun stared at him right in the eyes for a few seconds before turned around on his heels and walked away. Jaemin sighed. What's going on inside Renjun's mind? He's a very enigmatic human being.


"Okay, take five, everyone!" The basketball coach announced. The basketball team members quickly ran to the bleachers to drink and wipe off the sweat.

"Oi, Jeno," Jaemin said as he sat next to his black-haired friend, "Are you free this Friday night?"

Jeno gulped down his drink before he answered, "Nah, mate. I'm going back to Incheon. I have to attend my cousin's wedding ceremony."

"Oh, okay."

"Why?" Jeno asked.

"I'm going out to the movie with Chenle, Renjun, and Jisung. I thought it would be great if you can come with us."

"I'll come with you guys next time," Jeno smiled, "Have fun with those three."

Written : March 17th 2018
Published :  April 29th 2018
Infinity War fucked me up ya'll.

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