Author Note

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To be honest, this is the third or fourth time I re-write the A/N part. Mainly because I don't know what to say, I'm used to be silent and not talk to people so... I don't know if this is a good A/N or not, but I'm trying my best.

I felt a pang in my chest when it hit me: Rain and Outer Space is ending. "You're not going to publish any new chapter, you're gonna click that "complete" button, you're gonna leave it as it is." Those thoughts had been running around in my mind.

I'm not ready to say good bye to Rain and Outer Space. I'm not ready to say good bye to the characters I wrote. I'm not ready to say good bye to Jaemin, Renjun, Jeno, Hansol, Chenle, Jisung, Mark, Donghyuck, Doyoung, Yuta, Taeil, each and every one of characters in this story. I'm not ready to say good bye to the world where they live in.

I got way too attached. ROS is a very personal story for me. I wrote it in the worst time, the worst condition I've been through in my entire high school life. ROS is not just a story, it's the way I express my sadness. It's how I grieve over a lot of things, a lot of loss.

But it's also how I express my gratitude. Without ROS, I won't be able to /meet/ a lot of people like you guys.

Honestly, I'm not an easygoing person, in real life. With my stoic face and my point of view, I'm not very likeable. My friends are either not in the same batch as me, or they go to a different school. Life could get boring.

ROS was and is still a way for me to communicate with people out there, it's a way for me to communicate with you. Through the storyline, or through the comments/private messages.

I'm grateful you guys existed, I'm grateful to encounter you guys in Wattpad. Without you, 11th grade would be complete hell. Without you, I wouldn't found what's the point of living this mundane life of mine.

If you guys let me, I still want to keep in touch with all of you. So, don't leave me alone, yeah?

You guys made me realized what I was actually born for. You guys helped me through the hard times. You helped me by reading this story, and commenting a lot of stuff that cheer me up.

Thank you, for all that you have done.

I guess I should end this Author Note, because I'm an awkward smol bean and I don't know what to say.

See you on my next story? :)

I love you all, very much.


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