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"Jaemin? Please come out. You came home running, screaming, and without telling us anything, you locked yourself in your room."

Jaemin didn't move a muscle under his duvet. Unlucky for him, his parents got home earlier that day. Jaemin freaked out when Renjun announced those words in the auditorium, he ran away, towards his home, and bam! There were his parents on the kitchen. To witness their son acting like a crazy person was surprising for the Ji couples.

"Jaemin! Come out this instance!" It was his mother's voice, ordering him to do exactly what she said. His step father seemed to back away.

Jaemin sighed, he got no other choice. He stood up, and opened the door with a straight face.

"So?" His mother asked him, "Why were you acting like that?"

Jaemin still hadn't answered it. This was the first time he talked to his mother after a long time, and she expected him to answer such a tricky question? If Jaemin said his crush liked him back, would he got kicked out like Hansol? He was too young, he couldn't just crash on Hansol's or Jeno's place. What about Renjun? Jaemin was afraid his parents would track him down and—

"Ji Jaemin, answer me!"

Jaemin winced at the surname his mother was using. He didn't despise Hansol's father, but Jaemin wanted to use his own father's surname. That's why he kept saying his name was Na Jaemin.

"My crush said he loves me back," Jaemin said rather boldly.

"Your—what? He?"

"I know, you guys don't accept such things like that, so I'm leaving this house now. I'll come back to get my stuff later, I have to meet someone."

Jaemin pushed his shocked mother away and ran outside of his house. He kept running until he reached the bus stop. Jaemin panted and took a seat. He had done it. He said it to his parents.

Now what?

As the bus approached the rain started to pour, as if it was telling Jaemin to go to Renjun's and sort things out.

And that's where he was heading.


"Took you long enough to open the door," Jaemin retorted, his teeth clattering.

Renjun stood on his door with wide eyes, staring at the completely drenched guy in front of him.

The rain got heavier, but Jaemin didn't give a single fuck. He ran all the way from the bus station nearby to Renjun's flat. When the auntie who owned the place opened the front door for him, she quickly ushered Jaemin inside. She offered him a cup of hot tea, but Jaemin turned it down. He needed to see Renjun.

"God, why are you so stupid," Renjun pulled Jaemin's collar and dragged him inside, "Go wait in the bathroom while I'm looking for dry clothes."

Jaemin didn't dare to speak, his bravery somehow sublimed into the air. He walked to the bathroom and took off his clothes, leaving the boxer on. Then, Jaemin sat on the toilet, waiting patiently for Renjun to come.

Not long after he waited, Renjun came in. He brought a navy blue hoodie, with a grey training pants, a pair of black socks, and a boxer.

"Go change your clothes, you might catch a cold," Renjun put the dry clothes next to sink and crouched in front of the cabinet, "I said change your clothes, now."

"B-but... Shouldn't you get out? I mean, I've never... I've never—"

"I'm not going to see your wink wonk if that what you're afraid of," Renjun pulled out a large clean towel, and a smaller one. He gave the larger one to Jaemin, and turned around, preparing a hairdryer.

Jaemin quickly took off his boxer and dried his body with the towel. After making sure he's all dry and clean, Jaemin put on the clothes.

They smelled like Renjun.

"You're done?" Renjun turned around with a hairdryer in his hand, and the towel on the other one.

"Yes, thank you."

"Come outside," Renjun nodded his head towards the door, and led the guy into his bedroom area. Renjun pushed Jaemin until he was seated on the bed, the plugged the hairdryer. Renjun sat behind Jaemin, turned on the hairdryer, and started drying off Jaemin's hair with the towel.

Jaemin's shoulder slumped in relaxation as the heat of the dryer hit his scalp. When his hair wasn't very wet anymore, Renjun got rid of the towel and ruffled the hair with his own hand.

"There," Renjun turned off the electronic device, "All done."

Without waiting for any words to leave Jaemin's mouth, Renjun stood up and got rid of the towel and the hairdryer. After putting them away in the bathroom, Renjun went to the kitchen area. Jaemin watched Renjun's back as he made hot chocolate for both of them.

"Here you go," Renjun gave one of the mug to Jaemin and sat next to him, "Cheers."

Jaemin sniffed in the aroma before he drank, all of it. Renjun just watched him in amusement. Neither of them said anything, because nobody knew what to say. Well, they had things they wanted to say. They just didn't want to break the comfortable silence, where they just savouring the presence of each other.

"Renjunnie, I—"

"Ssh, I know you want to talk. I want to talk too. But can we delay this conversation until tomorrow morning?" Renjun asked, "I'm kind of tired after the play. I'm sure you are too."

"But we have school tomorrow."

"Let's just pretend that you're sick because you've been very stupid, running around in the rain like that. And I'm going to tell my brother that I'm still tired. He'll inform our school, for sure."

"Okay, that sounds good," Jaemin yawned. He wasn't sure his parents were going to inform the school. Thank goodness Renjun's brother were going to do that.

Renjun took the mug from Jaemin's grip and put them away on the kitchen sink. When he's back, Renjun opened the thick duvet and nodded his head towards the bed, signaling for Jaemin to get inside. Jaemin obeyed and slipped underneath the thick polyester.

Surprisingly, Renjun followed and laid down next to Jaemin, both facing each other.

Jaemin swore, his heart beat twenty times faster.

"I know it's only half past six, but try to sleep, okay?" Renjun muttered, his eyes started to drop, "And don't scoot away. You're warm."

Jaemin cooed at the guy in front of him. Slowly, but surely, Jaemin shifted closer to Renjun and rested his hand on Renjun's waist.

Lucky for Jaemin, Renjun didn't push him away. In fact, he pulled Jaemin closer and snuggled up, his head was on the crook of Jaemin's neck.

Written : April 16th 2018
Published : July 8th 2018

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