Extra Chapter : Jeno

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Jeno watched as his friends became happier when Jaemin and Renjun made up, and even announced that they were finally dating.

Jeno wasn't shocked at all. Jaemin deserved Renjun, and Renjun deserved Jaemin. Jeno could see it in their eyes, that they really loved one another. So he wasn't against the idea of them moving in together.

Mark and Donghyuck were becoming way closer than before. Look at them. Donghyuck was feeding Mark french fries while the older lad rested his head on Donghyuck's shoulder. The younger one cooed everytime Mark munched his food like a toddler.

As for the youngest couple on the table, they got sweeter as the days passed by. He didn't know how, but Jisung was the one who sat on Chenle's laps and demanded for an attention. Maybe Jisung realized that receiving love was so much better than giving.

"Guys, since you are all here and are on a good mood, I have to tell you something," Jeno opened up his mouth for the first time that day.

The whole group turned their attentions fully at the black-haired boy.

"What is it, Jeno?" Jaemin asked first, concerns were written on his face.

"I... Got a scholarship. To Japan."

Chenle and Jisung high-fived each other. Renjun was clapping like a seal. Donghyuck's jaw dropped. Mark chuckled at his dongsaengs. While Jaemin...

...Jaemin looked like he was about to cry.

"What are you going to take as your major?" Mark asked.

"Journalism," Jeno truthfully answered.

"You're leaving?"

Every eyes on the table landed on a teary Na Jaemin.

"I thought you're going to leave this town when  we graduate!"

"Well, I'm going to leave after we graduate bu—"

"But Japan is so far away!"

Renjun stared at his boyfriend with wide eyes. Jaemin was literally crying and he already had a runny nose.

"I haven't finished yet!" Jeno clicked his tongue impatiently, "The good part is..."

"...I'm going back to this town when I've finished my study there."

Jaemin stopped his small wailing, "Why?"

"Well, I don't want to leave people whom I love behind, not you, not Taeyong-hyung, nobody," Jeno shrugged, "Besides, I'm going to be a journalist. I'll travel a lot, but I need somewhere I can call home. Home is... wherever you guys are at. And wherever Taeyong-hyung is at."

Jaemin's cry got louder as he went to hug Jeno with all of his force.

"Why are you crying, dude? Stop hugging me, Renjun is here."

"I-I don't know! I'm just so happy because Renjun is here and you're going to be here too!" Jaemin sobbed, "Bitch, I thought I'm going to lose you."

Jeno's eyes widened, but he patted Jaemin's back nonetheless. "Even if I ended up somewhere far away and never returned, I wouldn't forget you, Nana. And you're not going to lose me. I would send you anonymous package filled with souvenirs from where I lived, so maybe you could find me."

"Jeno, you stupid dude," Jaemin had already sat on Jeno's laps.

Jeno glanced at Renjun, who was just laughing at his boyfriend. So, Jeno laughed too.

"Why are you being so emotional over stuff? It's not wrong, but you haven't been like this in such a long time," Jeno frowned.

"Probably Jaemin is pregnant. Pregnant people are way more emotional than usual," Donghyuck pipped in.

"Yah!" Renjun quickly covered his ears.

Jaemin heard what Donghyuck said and he went back at Renjun, wrapping his arms protectively around the innocent lad.

"I-I'm not p-pregnant!" Jaemin scowled, still sobbing, "I'm the seme here."

"Yah! Oh my God, Jaemin!" Renjun slapped his boyfriend's arm.

At the end, Jeno was being the wallflower again. He watched his friends bickered with a smile on his face.

Jeno had made up his mind.

He's not leaving this town.

He's not leaving his beloved friends and brother.

He's not leaving his home, right here, with them.


Written : April 17th 2018
Published : July 15th 2018

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