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Jaemin tapped his right foot impatiently. He had texted Chenle and Jisung, hell, he even called. None of them answered nor replied his text.

Friday night and Jaemin had been waiting for those kids in front of the movies. It's the beginning of October, so it was freezing outside. Jaemin couldn't even feel his lips.

He was going to crouch on the sidewalk when he saw a familiar figure.


The lanky boy pouted as he walked towards Jaemin.

"I came here because Chenle asked," Renjun muttered.

"Sure," Jaemin couldn't help but smile, "The thing is I don't know where he is."

"He's not here yet?"

"Nope," Jaemin shook his head, "I'm just waiting for him and Jisung here. The movie had started half an hour ago, anyway."

"Then why are you here?" Renjun asked in disbelief.

"Because I promised them to wait here."

Renjun let out a dry chuckle, "Na Jaemin, you're very stupid."

Jaemin just smiled but then he sneezed. He was frozen.

"Oh my God, sorry," Jaemin sniffed, "It's freezing cold."

"Yeah, and I'm going home. Bye, Na Jaemin."

"Can you at least accompany me to the cafe?" Jaemin pleaded, "Please? I don't like to be alone."

Renjun sighed, "You're one hella difficult person to deal with."

That's why they ended up in a cafe across the street from the movie theater. They sat next to the window, with their own orders in front of them. Jaemin had drunk half of his hot caramel macchiato, while Renjun barely touched his hot chocolate.

"Thank you, for your time," Jaemin smiled.

Renjun just nodded as he looked outside of the window. Cars passed by on the street, while pedestrians filled the frozen sidewalk. Everybody was having a break from their tiring daily routine by enjoying a Friday night out.

"I'm sorry about the Olympic," Jaemin spoke, "I'm sure you did your best."

Renjun took off his gaze at the street outside and it landed on Jaemin. "And I'm sure you asked Chenle about it."

"Yes, I did."

"Ah, sure you did," Renjun scoffed, "Easy for you to say. You do great in everything."

"No, I don't. That day when I ran into you, I actually just finished a revision test."

"You paid for your school fee, I'm here because of a scholarship. It is not the same."

"I am aware, but the point is, we failed. And it's okay to fail, because we can't always excel at anything in life, can we? You should not be disappointed at this. You'll do better next time."

"If there will be a next time."

"You know what? I don't know what your problem is, but I can't stand it when a person got knocked down and gave up. Huang Renjun, I heard a lot of positive things about you, and I refused to believe that someone I'm dying to be friend with gives up because one failure."

"Well, am I not allowed to grieve? It has only been a couple of days and I'm still trying to accept the fact that I failed. I'm not giving up, hell, that word doesn't exist in my dictionary. This is why I get irritated by people, they assume things without knowing the whole truth."

Renjun's eyes were then brimmed with tears. Jaemin lost his words, as he could only whispered two.

"I'm sorry."

"That's fine," Renjun wiped his eyes, "I'm used to it."

Jaemin's hand reached out to held Renjun's small shoulder, "You might think that I'm annoying, but I'm here if you want to talk."

Renjun got rid of Jaemin's hand and stood up, "Thanks, but I'm all good. I have to go."

"Wait, let me walk you home, at least," Jaemin followed his motion, "And pay for your chocolate."

Renjun took the carton mug containing the chocolate and smiled, "Thanks. But I'd rather walk alone. I need some time to think."

"Well, then, give me your phone first."


"I'm giving you my number, in case you need any help. Don't... Don't push me away, okay, Renjun? I'm trying to be your friend because you need another one, aside from Chenle."

Written : March 17th 2018
Published : May 6th 2018
Having a fever with spinning head and runny nose, but still have to go to school tomorrow. 3 make-up tests and 1 presentation ffs can i have some rest. I hope you guys are alright, wherever you are. Take care of yourself and get some rest, okay? Ilysm 💛

Also, congrats to perksoflee and _geradeaus ya'll just graduated. And i'm here stuck in high school for another year ffs i wanna get out. Lub u two.

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