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"Was Jeno okay about it?" The older amongst the two asked, mouth full with melon bread.

"Jeno was fine. He suggested it in the first place."

Hansol stared at his younger brother with undecipherable eyes. The moment after the match was over, he ran to the locker room, leaving his friends behind to check on Jaemin. Turned out, Jaemin and Jeno weren't in a real thing as Hansol thought. For Hansol, the worst case that could happen was having a relationship with your best friend. Who knows what could happen when you two broke up, right? Not only you'd lose your lover, but also you would lose your best friend. That sucks.

But knowing that Jaemin did that to make Renjun jealous was unacceptable for Hansol.

"Jeno offered to kiss you... In attempt to make Renjun jealous?" Hansol repeated once again, still puzzled by the whole scenario. It had been six hours since the match, and they were at Hansol and Yuta's place, eating melon breads with milk.

"It was a joke at first, but then I got disturbed by the fact that Renjun was with Doyoung-hyung all the time. So, I asked Jeno to kiss me for real. He's completely fine, hyung, don't worry. Jeno washed his lips with soap in the locker room earlier, just because he got disgusted."

"Ah, yes. Is he asexual or?"

"He doesn't put any label on himself," Jaemin shrugged, "Jeno doesn't like to be touched nor to be in a romantic relationship. He said he's just like that."

Hansol nodded, "I heard a name. Doyoung? Do you mean Kim Doyoung?"

Jaemin frowned, "Yes. Do you know him?"

Hansol decided to ignore Jaemin's question and continued, "Senior. Loves drama and writes his own plays. Very nice towards anybody else, tall, lanky, covers his mouth when he laughs. That Kim Doyoung?"

"I don't know about the last one, but yes," Jaemin eyed his brother suspiciously, "Hansol-hyung, do you know Kim Doyoung?"

"Me? Oh, of course I do. Taeil is head over heels for him. I'm so glad that they finally decided to go on a date after such a long time—"

"Taeil-hyung... That guy who tagged along with you and your friends earlier? The small guy?"

"Yes, that's Taeil. He took Drama as his major, has been helping Doyoung a lot for the past year," Hansol smiled mischievously at his brother, "You're worrying that Renjun would get stolen by a guy who already has a boyfriend. Na Jaemin, I suggest if you really like a person, do some research about people around them too."

Jaemin groaned and hid his face in his palms. He felt so stupid to think that Renjun might fall for Doyoung. After he thought about it, Renjun never blushed nor did anything with big heart eyes around Doyoung. They were close because Renjun joined the Drama club. Also, knowing that the school was packed with people who likes to gossip, if Renjun and Doyoung really put an interest on each other, he would've heard it a long time ago.

"I'm not going to say that you don't have to worry now," Hansol interrupted Jaemin's train of thoughts, "What about Renjun, though?"


"Renjun saw you and Jeno. I don't know him at all, but his face said it all. He looked somehow... crushed? I don't know, it was a painful sight, though. He ran away."

"Oh my God," Jaemin burried his face in between his knees, "Why?"

"Doyoung yelled at him to come back but he didn't listen to it," Hansol patted Jaemin's head, "Next time, if you're getting pissed off at something unclear, don't act carelessly. It can be a boomerang, you know. You threw it away, thinking that it's going to be fine, but it ended up going back at you. If you're not ready to catch it, then you'll get hit."

Jaemin stayed silence, but then slowly sat up straight. He looked into his brother's eyes, "Hyung, what should I do?"

"Fix things up with Renjun. Say sorry."

"Why should I say sorry? What if he said, 'why do you think I was angry, I was not', and I'll froze? I'm scared."

"Angry? No, he's not angry. He's disappointed," Hansol stood up, "Man up. How can you maintain a relationship if you're scared to take a risk?"

Written : April 8th 2018
Published : June 17th 2018
Happy Eid Mubarak to all of my Muslim friends and readers! How was your weekend, guys? I ate a lot of stuff since Friday. I gained some weight 😂 But it's okay. Happy tummy, happy life!

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