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Little did Jaemin know, Renjun heard all of his confession behind the closed door. He also heard Jaemin's footsteps faded as he walked away, after waiting for nearly an hour in front of the door. Renjun bit his fist to prevent himself from screaming out loud.

Of course he was disappointed in Jaemin. He thought Jaemin liked him, but he kissed Jeno and it pissed the hell out of Renjun. Renjun was a conventional guy, for him, kisses were meant to be given to someone he liked.

Jaemin kissed Jeno, and Renjun questioned his action. Did the boy really put a huge effort for Renjun because Jaemin liked him, or was it because he felt pity for Renjun?

He got the answers, but Renjun restrained himself not to react at first. Just a precautions, Renjun was afraid Jaemin didn't mean what he said. The boy waited, though, but gave up.

Stupid Nana, Renjun thought.

He did it all because he was jealous? Of Doyoung-hyung? Renjun pouted at the fact. How could Jaemin saw it that way? Renjun never invited Doyoung to his flat, nor let him stayed overnight. Renjun never told Doyoung his secrets. Renjun never cried in front of Doyoung's face, and let the older guy pulled him into a hug.

Stupid Nana.

Renjun couldn't help but felt soft at Jaemin's words, though. His outer space analogy was meant for him.

"You don't want to go and stop him?"

Renjun shook at his older brother and smiled, "I'll talk to him tomorrow. Kun-ge, stop grinning like that, I'm shy."

A mischievous grin was plastered upon that calm face, "Come on, it's raining. Invite him over, I'll move out to Sicheng's for the night."

"No, I want him to soak up the feeling."

"You're spooky," Kun chuckled and played the movie he paused earlier, when Jaemin knocked.

On the other side of the town, Jaemin was continuously sighing on Jeno's bed. He decided to have a sleepover because he didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. Jeno and Taeyong welcomed him with opened hands.

After a few cups of hot chocolate, the teenagers went upstairs and went to bed. Jeno slept on the air mattress, lending Jaemin his own bed so the lad could stir around and not bother Jeno.

"Go to sleep, Jaemin," Jeno murmured, half asleep. It was one in the morning and Jaemin still shifted around.

"I can't."

"You should consider not to fall in love with a person seriously ever again," Jeno chuckled.

"So this is why you never wanted to fall for a person? Because it pains you?"

"Well, yeah. Love itself is amazing, but it does a lot of damage too. My parents, for example. They loved each other, but in the end it didn't work. It never does. It'll just crush you."

"The pain is what makes you feel alive, though, Jeno."

"I don't want to feel alive, though. It's tiring."


"I swear I didn't mean anything, calm your asses down," Jeno quickly interrupted before Jaemin could freak out, "Just keep this in your mind that I'm already tired with school itself. So, I'll live my life when I'm out of the shithole and open my own book shop somewhere."

"Oh, okay. That means you're going to leave this town?"

"Yes. I don't belong here. Neither do Taeyong because this place reminds us of our parents a lot. He chose to stay, though, since Jaehyun-hyung is here."

Jaemin rolled around and faced the wall, "You're not going to stay here for me or Jisung?"

Jeno froze before he answered, "No, I'm sorry but I can't stay here. I love you both, but you all have your own people. You have Renjun, Jisung have Chenle. I don't want to sit around inside my house all day."

"We won't be like those couples," Jaemin pouted, "Besides, Renjun and I aren't a thing, remember? He didn't open the door."

"He will. I know he will open the door," Jeno said, "Just be patience with him."

Written : April 14th 2018
Published : July 1st 2018
Yo yo yo HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 2 OF THE BEST LEADERS WHO EVER EXISTED, Mr. Lee Taeyong and Mr. Park Jungsoo (Leeteuk)

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