Chapter 1

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Lilith's P.O.V

I wake up because of screaming. My eyes spring right open and I look at my clock: 5.30. I sigh and sit straight up in my bed. 'Well, I guess I'm gonna pick my outfit now' I say yawning. I walk towards my closet and pick out this outfit:

 I walk towards my closet and pick out this outfit:

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I put it on and put in my earphones. I listen to music until it's time to leave for school. I grab my bag and walk out the door. I ignore my fighting parents. I walk on the sidewalk and wait for my friend. 'Hey Lilith!' I hear Rose say. I turn my head. 'Hey Rose' I say. 'Oh no, what's wrong?' she asks. 'My dad was drunk again and was fighting again with my mum' I say with a sigh. 'At least you've got me now' she says. I smile. We walk to school together. I open the doors and Rose looks around. Everyone is watching us walking through the hallways. I walk towards my locker and try to open it. Then I punch my locker and it opens. Rose just keeps on talking about the boys on our school.

I roll my eyes and grab my books. Rose is actually not really a friend. More like someone I can hang out with to not feel alone. I throw my locker closed and sigh. 'I'll see you in class okay? I have to go to the principal's office' I say, hoping that she would shut up. She nods her head. 'Sure, I'll see you in class' she says walking toward her other friends. She's nice, but always pretends to be badass in front of the other girls. I walk towards the principal's office and open it. 'Ah, Lilith, sit down' principal Redford says. I sit down. 'So, Lilith, you thought-' there is a knock on the door. 'Come in' he says. A boy walks in: brown, black hair, hazel eyes, beautiful smile.

'Uhm, principal Redford?' he asks. 'Ah, you must be Grayson, sit there, I'll speak with you in a minute.' The boy nods and sits on a chair in the corner. 'As I was saying, you thought it would be funny to put REAL cockroaches in the classroom of Miss Beauford, who is scared to death of those things.' I laugh. 'First of all, you have no proof that it was me, and second, it was hilarious' I say laughing. 'Really?' he asks. He shows me videotapes of me putting the cockroaches in the classroom.

'That still isn't proof, maybe somebody took over my body, and I can't remember anything of it' I say innocent. He shakes his head. 'Or when you drew on the wall: free pizza for everyone.' I sigh. 'Principal Redford, I already told you that I'm a sleepwalker' I say. I hear a giggle from the corner. I turn around. 'What?' I say agitated. 'Nothing' he says. I look back at the principal. 'Can I go now?' I ask. 'Just, don't do it again' he says. I nod my head and walk out of his office.

I walk in the classroom and open my Biologie books. I hear girls whispering and giggling. I look to the other side of my classroom, and see Rose and a few other girls looking at me. 'I will get them after class' I say. There is a knock on the door and the boy from the office comes walking in. I roll my eyes. I really don't like that kid. I see Rose and the other girls staring at him. I look at the board writing notes. 'Children, we've got a new student, tell me, who are you?' Miss Julie says. 'Well, hello, my name is Grayson, and I'm new here' he says awkward. 'No shit' I say. 'Miss Amor, we do not speak like that in my classroom' miss Julie says. I roll my eyes. I go on with taking notes. Then I see a hand go up. 'Miss Julie, can Grayson sit next to me?' I hear Rose ask. I roll my eyes again and go on with writing. 'But Rose, Anne is already sitting next to you, Grayson, you can sit beside' Not me, not me, please, if there's a god, not me.

'Miss Amor' she says. I laugh. 'What's wrong?' she asks while Grayson sits beside me. 'Nothing, miss Julie' I say agitated. I go on with taking notes and making my homework. He just sits there. 'Hey there' he says. 'Hey' I say back. 'So, what's your name?' he asks. 'I don't think this is a good idea' I say while I'm writing. 'What?' he asks. 'I'm not really friend material, you don't want me as a friend, so just stop, and save yourself your time.' 'Why wouldn't I want you as my friend?' he asks. The bell goes and I pick up my books. 'You'll see' I say. I walk out of class and walk towards Rose. 'So, am I that funny?' I ask. 'What?' Rose asks innocent. 'Am I going to have to repeat myself?!' I ask angry. People are gathering around to see what's going on. She smiles. 'You know, you are actually. You are a joke. I can laugh about you all day' she says smiling. I sigh. 'You know, I don't have the time for this' I say while I walk away.

'Yeah, that's right, run home to your drunken father, and I hope he beats you good this time' she says. I stop walking and turn around. The other girls are laughing and they are giving each other high fives. I walk up to Rose and stand in her face. 'So you think you're funny?' I ask. She smiles. I punch her hard in the face. She falls back and looks at me. She stands up and walks to me. I punch her again. The other girls are walking towards me and fire is spitting from my eyes. I slap one girl and push the other against a locker. 'I can go all day' I say angry to the other girls. They stand back. I grab my bag and walk through the crowd. I see Grayson standing there. 'I told you, no friend material' I say while walking away.

 I hear the bell go and I don't care anymore. I can't go of the school grounds, that sucks, but so be it. I walk towards a little sort of park. I know principal Redford is going to look for me, so I'm trying to find a place where I can't be found. I look at the big tree and climb in it. When I'm comfortable I look at the clear blue sky. I feel the wind going through my hair. I want to stay like this forever. I breathe in the sweet summer air. A light scent of gras. The wind isn't cold, but isn't warm either. It's perfect. I smile.

'That was quite a show' I hear beneath me. I look down and see a boy, pretty similar to Grayson, but it isn't him. 'What do you want?' I ask anoid. 'Wow, you don't have to bite my head of' he says smiling. There is a silence. 'I think I've met the bad girl of the school' he says. I smile. 'Really?' I ask. I climb down real smooth and jump from a high brench. 'I'm not the bad girl, I just don't let people mess with me' I say. I walk away.

'Where are you going?' he asks. 'Somewhere I can be alone' I say while I walk away. Then he walks next to me. 'So you're the loner' he says while looking at me. I sigh. 'Look, twin of Grayson, leave me alone' I say. He blinks fast. 'How did you know I'm the twin of Gray?' he asks. 'Grayson has a birthmark on his chin, and you don't.' He smiles. 'So, you're close with my brother? ' he asks. 'Nope, I don't really like him, or you..... actually I don't like anyone.' 'Then why do you know that about the birthmark?' he asks.

'Photographic memory' I say while I stop at the fence. 'Why did you come here?' he asks. I look him in the eyes and jump on top of the dumpster. I climb over the fence and jump on the ground. I look at him through the fence. Then I walk away. 'Where are you going?' he asks. 'Away from you' I say while I'm running away.

Hey guys, so this is my first story, don't be to harsh on me. And I'm sorry if the spelling isn't correct, I'm not English. Thank you guys so much for reading, and hope you like the story.  Bye!!

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