Chapter 13

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Michael? He smiles at me and blows a kiss. I feel a lump in my throat. 'Lilith? Are you okay?' I hear someone ask. I look quickly and it's Ethan. I need to share this with someone.

'M-michael was standing there' I say with tears in my eyes. He turns around and grabs my shoulders. 'Lilith, no one is standing there' he says while he looks me worried in the eyes. He pulls me in for a hug. 'I swear I saw him standing there' I say while I let him hug me. 'I believe you, now stop shaking I'll protect you, don't worry' he says while rubbing my back.

I look behind him and see Michael standing there, smiling again. I push Ethan of and Michael walks away. I run after him. I stand in the hallway crying and looking around. I can't see him anymore.

'Lilith!' He storms towards me. 'He was standing right here, I swear' I say crying. He grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eye. 'Lilith, you're stressed, you're seeing things.' I look him angry in the eyes. 'No, I'm not crazy, he wants this, for you to think of me as crazy' I say while pulling my shoulders loose.

'Lilith-' 'I'M NOT CRAZY!' I yell through the hallways. I look up again and he stands there with tears in his eyes. 'I'm not crazy' I say with a softer but still sad voice. His eyes fill with sympathy. 'I'm not crazy' I say trying to convince myself.

He walks towards me and hugs me. 'I'm not crazy' I say with hair sticking on my face because of the tears. I fall on the ground and he still hugs me. Not a tight, uncomforteble hug. But a warm, sweet, safe hug. A hug you dream about. 'You're not crazy' he says while giving a kiss on my head. I nod my head. 'I'm not crazy' I say almost choking on my own tears.

He pulls away and wipes away the sticky hair against my face. He smiles. 'Lilith, you are the strongest woman I know, you will survive, and you are not crazy' he says while putting hair behind my ear. He leans in and so do I, then I remember what I'm doing and give him a hug instead.

'Thank you' I say smiling. He puts his big arms around me. 'You are verry welcome' he says with a smile.

Grayson's P.O.V
I walk through the hallway when I see Ethan and Lilith standing there together. He hugs her and she falls to the ground. I want to walk over to her and ask her what's going on, they both lean in for a kiss. I feel my heart break. How can Ethan do this to me?! He knows I lo-...... no, I don't love her, I can't. I walk away before I see them touch lips. I'm not in the mood to see that.

I punch the locker when I walk away and get to class. I sit beside Drew and talk to him. When we walk out of class I see Ethan and Lilith standing by her locker. He says something and she laughs. I feel butterflies in my stomach, but then I remember. I look at Drew and he walks over to them. I walk behind him. 'Have you eaten anything? You really need to gain weight, you almost look like a skelleton' he says laughing. I laugh with him and she looks weird at me.

'Drew, leave us alone, and Gray, what are you doing with him?' Ethan asks weird at me. 'I found my real friend' I say angry. 'What? What are you talking about?' Ethan asks as if he doesn't know what I mean.

I roll my eyes. 'If you weren't my twin, I would have punched you by now' I say while clenching my jaw. He sighs. I turn to Lilith and she has tears in her eyes. 'Oh, are gonna cry? Just like you did when you slit your wrists? Boohoe! Grow up Lilith!' I scream at her. I see her shocked face and tears stream down her face. 'Who are you?' she asks before closing her locker and walks away.

Ethan stands there with a open mouth. 'Not cool dude' he says before walking away. Drew high fives me and sings: Grayson is my man! I smile and look around. I see Rose looking at me and smiling. What the hell, I don't feel anything anymore, so why not?

I walk towards her and give her my number. 'Call me' I say while giving a kiss in her neck. She smiles at me and nods her head. 'Oh trust me, I will' she says while walking away.

Grayson doesn't feel anymore, will Lilith be able to get the old him back? You will read it next chapter!

Hey guys! I want to thank you for reading my story. The next few chapters are going to be a bit shorter, because I'm having a little writers block and I'm helping a friend with some ideas for her story. Go check her out, she really awesome:

Thank you guys so much again! See you next time!

XXX Jules

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