Chapter 12

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Dear diary,
I'm so confused right now. I promised that I would keep my walls up, but Grayson wrecked them down within seconds.

I don't know what to do anymore. I asked him if he wanted to be my friend, and he said yes! I'm so happy that I can just hang out with him again without feeling awkward. 

The little fling between us is over and we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm back

I put my diary under my pillow and smile. I moved back with Gray and E. Ethan doesn't know yet. I mean, it was only yesterday since Gray and I made up.

'Gray let's go!' Ethan screams. I smile and grab my schoolbag. I walk out of my room and Etham waiting at the door with his back faced towards me.

'Can I come to?' I ask smiling. He turns around and he hugs me while spinning with me in the air. 'I missed you so much Li!' he says. I laugh. 'Me too' I say while hugging him a little bit tighter.

He pulls back and gives me my ring. 'I lost that! Where was it?' I ask smiling while putting the ring on my finger. 'You left it at the last place we talked, at the rock by the lake, remember?' he asks while holding my hands.

I pull my hands back and he looks weird at me. 'I went back to being friends with Gray. It's only fair if I did the same with you' I say while rubbing my hand against his shoulder. He bites his lip and nods his head.

'Just friends' he says nodding his head. I smile and hug him. He pulls back and looks towards Gray's room. 'Where is he?' he asks while grabbing his schoolbag. 'Don't worry, I'll get him' I say while walking towards his room.

I knock on the door and nobody opens up. 'Gray? Come on, ready to go to school' I say while opening the door. Nobody is there. I turn around and see Gray standing in only a towel. I gasp at his wet, topless body and he smiles.

'Like what you see?' he asks causing me to snap out of my daydream. 'Maybe' I say smiling back. But then I remember that we're just friends. 'Even I have a better sixpack than you' I say smiling. 'Lil, you don't have a sixpack' he says sarcastically. I gasp.

'I do!' I say offended. 'Yeah right' he say while walking to his closet. I blush and walk out of his room. 'We leave in 10!' I ay through the door.

Then he walks out bumping into me. I blush and look down. 'Miss Amor, are you blushing?' he asks smiling. 'Just... come to school' I say blushing walking away.

When we sit in the car, Grayson's driving and Ethan is sitting in the back with me. Ethan smiles and so do I. Grayson puts on the radio and Shape of you comes on. Grayson wants to switch channels, but I stop him. 'This is my song!' I say smiling. 'Come on Lil, this song has been played to often' he says while trying to switch chanels. I grab his hand and sing along with the lyrics.

He smiles and soon we're all singing along. When we arrive at school everyone is looking weird at me. Proberly because of the little incident of yesterday. I take a deep breath and walk in the school with the twins by my side. We go to my locker first. I see Jake standing by it and he waves and smiles at me. When he sees Grayson, his smile fades. He storms towards us and pins Gray against a locker. 'What the hell are you doing with him Lil?' he asks as calm as he can.

I told him everything, about how I felt. He always protects me, he's like a big brother to me. 'JAKE! Omg' I say kind of shocked. 'Lilith, what are you doing with him?' he asks getting more impatient. 'Jake, everything is okay-' he cuts me of. 'NO, it's not! He hurt you Lil!' he says getting mad. 'JAKE! We're just friends' I say hoping he would let Gray go. He looks weird at me and releases Grayson. He stands in his face. 'If you hurt her, I swear to God, I will hunt you down and end you' he says while looking in Gray's direction. He nods his head and then he walks to me.

'You okay?' he asks. I give him a hug and he hugs me back. 'Thank you for looking out for me' I say. I feel him smile. 'It's my pleasure' he says while giving a kiss on my forehead. I look over Jake's shoulder and see Gray standing there with a uneasy smile. But then I see a figure in the back. A male. He smiles at me and I feel myself turn pale. 



Hey guys! We hit 88 reads!!! I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading, I couldn't do this without you guys! I'm kind of having a writers block, but I'm trying my best to upload as much as I can. Love you all so much! Lots of love from the Netherlands you guys!

XXX Jules

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