Chapter 6

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2 days later

Gray and I aren't a couple yet, but we are definetly together. I walk through school. I have a zero hour, that means that you have to be at school a hour early, before school even starts. I yawn and suddenly someone pins me against a locker.

It's my old boyfriend. You know, the bitch who got me into Juvie and killed my baby brother. I feel my muscles stiffen up. 'What the hell are you doing here?' I ask scared. 'I came for you my princess' he says while kissing my cheek.

'You got me into Juvie!' I scream while I try to get lose. 'I never wanted that to happen princess' he says with a sigh. 'And when you killed my baby brother, did you want that to happen?' I ask with tears in my eyes.

I see he's shocked and he wipes away my tear. 'Michael's dead?' he asks scared. 'You didn't do it?' I ask shocked. 'What? No! That boy was amazing I could never hurt him' he says while letting go off me. I see he's not lying, I'm pretty good at reading people.

'What do you want Mike?' I ask anoyed. 'Lilith, I'm coming to get you back, the juwelry was a accident' Mike says with a sigh. I sigh and look up again. He's walking closer and I back up until my back hits the lockers. His hand goes over my cheek.

'I haven't touched you for a long time my lillipad' he says almost craving a taste for me. I feel the creeps. Grayson. 'Mike, I'm with someone else' I say while pushing him off. 'Just one more kiss' he says while pushing his lips against mine.

I stand there frozen for 5 seconds before I realize what's going on. I inmediatly push him away and slap him. 'What the hell Mike?!' I scream. I walk away as fast as I can. 'I'm sorry princess, please' he says. I turn around and give him the finger.

When I'm far away from him, I start to breath faster and faster and then I realize I'm having a panick attack. I cry because of everything and then I'm at a point I can't breath propperly anymore. I breath harder and harder and try to find support against a locker.

'Lilith? Are you okay?' I hear someone ask. I hear footsteps and suddenly I see mister Smith looking at me. 'Lilith?' he asks. 'Breath in and hold it in for 5 seconds' he says. I nod and do what he says.

When I breath normal again I thank him. 'I don't know how to thank you' I say smiling. 'I know a way' he says while touching my shoulder. I swat his hand away and then he grabs my shoulder tighter. He touches my breast and I slap him.

He tries to touch me but the he gets pulled away. I see Mike punch him good. I smile and hug him. 'Thank you' I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles. 'It's okay, no one touches my princess' he says while hugging me back.

Then I remember what I'm doing and pull back. 'This doesn't mean I forgive you Mike Cordan' I say while walking away. 'I'll won't till I get you to forgive me!' I smile. 'I know' I say smiling. That's a way to wake up on a Thursday.


Hey guys, I'm gonna scratch what I wrote earlier. I'm gonna try to upload as much as I can. I'm so full of inspiration, I just can't help myself. I also decited to make the chapters a little bit shorter.... a lot. Guys, we already had 12 reads! I know it isn't much, but I thought I wouldn't even get higher than 5, so thanks! Bye, love you guys!

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