Chapter 22

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Lilith's P.O.V

I stand in front of the mirror, trying to fix my hair. I sigh and put the brush down while closing my eyes. Suddenly I feel two hands wrap around my waist. I look in the mirror, and it's Grayson. I smile lightly but then look down again. 

'Hey, what's wrong?' he asks while cuddling me. I smile again and grab the brush going on with what I was doing.

'Nothing' I say casually while brushing my hair. He gently grabs my wrist to stop me from brushing my hair. I look at him through the mirror and he smiles while grabbing the brush from my hand. 

'Come on Lil, I know that there's something wrong. I see it in your eyes.'

I smile at him and look down while he's brushing my hair. 

'It's just.... I'm nervous..... ya know? To see Mike again. And this whole masked prom thing is so sketchy, like how do I-' 

'Babe.' I look up and he smiles to me. 

'You're rambling' he says chuckling. I blush and look down again. 


'Don't apologize, it's cute.'

I blush and keep looking down. He stops brushing my hair and I keep looking down, not wanting to show him my red face. He grabs my waist and turns me around. 

'Don't hide from me Lily' he whispers. I look up into his hazel brown eyes and he smiles. 'There you are' he says while putting his index finger on my nose. He gasps and I look to the side.

'Are you blushing?' he asks amused.

'No' I say soft.

'Really?' he asks while comming closer to me. I look up to him and his smile dissapeard. He leans in and I do to, but he leans in to my ear. 

'And now?' he asks. I hear the amusement in his voice. I feel my face burning and he pulls back, trying to hold in his laughter. 

'I hate you' I say while walking out of the bathroom, angry. 

'No! Babe, don't hate me please!' he says like a little child. I walk towards the living room, but I feel his hand grab my wrist. I look back and he's fake crying. 

'I couldn't bare it if you hated me' he says serious while tightly grabbing onto my hand. I roll my eyes and sigh.

'I don't hate you, but I'm mad at you' I say while pulling my hand loose from his grip and walking towards the living room. I see Ethan sitting at the table and I smile to him. He's on his phone, he has been for the past 3 days. He looks up to me and his eyebrows twitch a little.

'Ehm, what happend?' he asks while pointing to me and then to Grayson. I walk towards the kitchen to grab some water.

'She's mad at me' Grayson says sighing. I smile a little, but don't let them see. I walk back and Ethan is looking at me with a amused smile. I also smile to him and we look at Grayson. Ethan and I are thinking the exact same thing... I guess.

'Okay, I'm not mad at you anymore....' 

'Thank y-'


His look changes and becomes slightly scared. 

'What are you two planning?' he asks while looking at me and then to Ethan. I smile.

'If you walk through the grocery store in your underwear.' 

His jaw drops.

'What?' he asks while his jaw is hanging. 

'You two planned this, didn't you?' he asks.

'Well, actually I was planning to ask you to do it NAKED. So she's nice to you' Ethan says smiling. I giggle and Grayson is shaking his head. 

'Please, can I do something else?' he asks desperate. I scuint my eyes, thinking. Then my eyes open and I smile.

'You can take Ethan and me to a amusement park!' I say smiling. Ethan looks at me suprised, but I ignore it. Grayson smiles and nods his head. 

'Okay, let's go, but we have to be back before 5 to get ready for the masked prom thing' he says while grabbing his keys. I walk after him and Ethan is behind me. We sit in the car, and it's a silent ride. When we arive Ethan and I get out. Grayson want to get out to, but I stop him.

'I said that you could take Ethan and me to the amusent park, not that you could come' I say with a amused smile. 

'So I can't come?' he asks sad. 

'Nope!' I say while walking away with Ethan

'I'm gonna get you back for that Lilith' I just hear him say chuckling.

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