Chapter 20

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Lilith's P.O.V

I sit on the couch thinking about everything. 'What the hell does he want?' Gray asks worried and mad. He's pacing around the room. 'Calm down, sit' I say before taking a deep breath. 'How can you be so calm? He FREAKING KISSED YOU!' he says angry. I laugh. 'So that's what this is about?' I ask him. He sighs annoyed. 'When is that stupid prom thing?' he asks while sitting down.

I look down to the invite. 'Next Wednesday' I say while thinking. 'In a school week?' he asks emotionless. I nod my head. 'I don't even-' 'You need to go' he says looking at his hands. 'What?' I ask him in disbelieve. 'If what he's saying is true, it means that we are in danger. Not just us, but also Ethans, and proberly Jakes too' he says thinking. I take a deep breath. 'You're right, I can't be selfish right now, I have to go' I say looking down.

'You need to help me find a dress though' I say smiling. He chuckles and nods his head. 'We will look for a dress Tuesday after school' he says thinking. I nod my head agreeing. 'Lilith, would you like to go on a date' he asks . 'Oehhh, yazz, I'll be back. I'm gonna go to Starbucks' I say while putting on my good shoes. 'With me' he says smiling. I stop with everything and look at him. 

'Hm, that's tough' I say thinking. 'Will you pay?' I ask him smiling. 'Of course' he says kind of confused. 'Then yes' I say smiling. He smiles. 'You, are evil' he says while standing up and pointing at me. I smile even wider. 'I know'  I say while winking and grabbing my coat. I walk out of the door and wait for him to come outside. 'Ready to go Lil?' he asks me. I nod my head.


'So, tell me some more about yourself' he says while taking a sip from his coffee. I snort and giggle. 'Well, I do have to confess to something' I say while looking down. 'Me too' he says smiling. 'You first' he says before I can. I take a deep breath. 'I... I'm actually a man' I say while fiddling with my fingers. He gasps. 'That's perfect! I just wanted to tell you that I like men!' he says with a smile. I look up and we just look at each other. Then we burst out in laughter. I wipe away the tears. Then he stops laughing. 'You weren't serious right?' he asks kind of serious. I laugh even harder. 'Of course not, silly' I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

'But I'm serious, tell me something about yourself that no one knows' he says smiling. My smile fades and I shift uncomfortably in my chair. 'Well, my middle name is Bethany' I say looking at my cup. He chuckles. 'No offense, but there must be more to you, the only things I know about you is that your name is Lilith Bethany Amor, and that's about it, I don't even know your birthday' he says trying to look me in the eye. 

I sigh. He does too. 'Look Lil, I respect your privicy, but I want to know more about you' he says. I nod my head. 'I know, but I just.... I don't like talking about my past.' He nods his head before taking a sip of his coffee. 'Let's begin with your birthday' he says smiling. I smile back and look down to my hands. 'I'm 17, about to turn eighteen, which means that I was born on 15 of June 2000' I say while looking at my hands. 'And, any siblings?' he asks with a warm smile. All the memories come back in my head. Every precious moment I had with Michael, my baby brother. 

I swallow away the lump in my throat. 'Can we talk about this somewhere else?' I ask him while looking at all of the people in the café. He nods his head and we leave. 'Where do you want to go?' he asks sweet. That causes me to smile. There are no benches, only a swing. 'Here is okay' I say while walking towards the swing and sitting on it. He nods his head and want to sit on the other, but he's to tall and his shoulders are to wide. I snort and he glares at me. 'Whatever' he says on a womans voice. I shake my head and he smiles. I just look at it. His precious smile.

He sits down and looks at me. Then I remember why we came out here. To talk. I take a deep breath. 'I wasn't the only child in my family. I had a little brother. Michael was his name. Michael Jordan Amor. He was 10 years younger than me. I already told you this story though, but not everything. I told you about Mike hiding jewelry in my closet and my baby brother murderd, and I told you that I fell of the stairs and hit my head. It's true though, I did, but something happend before that.' I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a minute, trying to remember.

'I remember that I walked upstairs and that I didn't hear anything. But I did. I heard someone talk on their phone. I don't remember who, I just remember that his voice was deep, and he wasn't young, he was older, above 25 I think.' 'Do you remember anything he said?' he asks worried. I think hard. 'He said: Everything is ready to be finished, meet me at Wellkemp, I'll see you there? I don't know, it's a long time ago' I say with a sigh. He nods his head. 'Anyways, I opend the door and I say all this blood and stuff. I saw a man standing in the middle of the room with a knife. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. He walked towards me and hit me on the head. The next moment I woke up I was laying in a hospital bed. They said that I fell down the stairs, proberly from shock.' I say while looking up to the skye.

It's a beautiful mix of orange, purple, pink and red. He just stays quiet. 'Well, know you more about me' I say smiling. He pulls me of the swing and puts me besides him. I just look at him, lightly smiling. His piercing eyes, that strong ass jawline, that beautiful brown, soft hair. 'I love you' I say while going through his hair with my hand. He smiles. 'I love you too' he says smiling. He gives me a kiss and I kiss back.

I love him so much


Hey guys! I want to thank you all for reading my story!  And sorry again about the lack of story parts in the amount of time. I'm really trying, but I don't think I'm gonna upload for a little while. I want to give you guys good chapters, not meh chapters. So I'm gonna take a little break from this story and I will write again when my writers block for this story is gone. You might think: Jules, if you have a writers block, why still write other stories? That, my dear friend, is because I have a writers block for this specific story. My head if overflowing with ideas for another story I'm writing. I promise I will upload when I have some more ideas again. And I want to thank you all for 172 reads!That's amazing! Thank you all so much! Sorry again guys, love you all so freaking much!

XXX Jules

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