Chapter 16

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Lilith's P.O.V

I wake up in my own bed and look around. Grayson is nowhere to be found and I smile. It was all just a dream. A good dream though, he said he loved me. I smile at the thought of it. I'm not sad it was just a dream.

I just keep holding on the thought of his words and the way he carried me to my bed in bridal style. 'Because I love you' he said while giving a kiss on my forehead. I smile at the thought of it. 'If only it was real' I say while yawning. I replay it over and over and get out of bed to get breakfast. I walk in the kitchen and grab a glass of water.

I turn around and see Grayson standing in a towel. Out of shock I drop the glass and scream. He laughs his ass off. 'Haha' I say sarcastically. 'Sorry' he says while still laughing. His laugh is so contagious, I giggle a bit to. 'I'm gonna put some clothes on' he says while still laughing. He shuffles to my room and I think about everything.

He said he loved me, it wasn't a dream. I feel my heart jump at the thought of last night. I look walk towards my room but step into a piece of glass. 'OUCH! SON OF A SPANKY!' I scream while holding my foot. I fall on the ground because I lost my balance and I laugh. 'What the hell did I just say?' I say laughing. I almost feel high because of happiness

Grayson walks out of my room and sees my laying on the floor. 'What happend?' he asks while smiling at me. 'I fell' I say childish. He helps me up and looks me in the eye. I just look back into his. His beautifull, hazel green eyes. I take in every feature of him. His birthmark on his chin, his perfect eyebrows, his damp hair styled perfectly without trying. I bite my lip just by looking at him. He doesn't even try and he look hot as f.

He just grinns at me. 'What's with the face?' I ask him while my hands go through his hair. 'What face?' he asks before kissing me. He grinns again. 'That face' I say with a smile. 'I'm happy' he says with the same grinn (from my ever favorite scene of TVD). I laugh at his goofyness and want to walk away but fall on the ground. 'I'm so clumsy' I say smiling. I look up at Grayson and his smile dissapears. 'Lilith' he says while almost running towards the cabinets and after a few seconds of searching he pulls out a towel.

He cleans up all the blood off the floor. Then I remember I stepped into a piece of glass. I face palm myself and laugh. Grayson look up to me, worried. 'You're not having a melt down right?' he ask while looking at my foot. I shake my head.

'No, but I think that if my head wasn't attached, I would forget it to' I say giggling. He turns his head half and grinns. He shakes his head and looks at my foot. 'We need to go to the hospital' he says before picking me up bridal style. He picks me up like I'm as light as a feather. His muscular arms hold me tight against him and since a long time, I feel safe again. I put my arm around his neck and put my head in his neck.

I take in the smell of his cologne. 'Are you smelling me?' he asks laughing. 'Yes, and you smell good' I say back, also laughing. 'You're crazy' he says laughing He puts me in the passenger seat and then he also gets in the car. 'That's why you love me' I say while flipping my hair. 'Indeed' he says while putting the keys into the car. My heart flutters just by the simple thing he just said. I feel my cheeks heating up.

'Miss Amor, are you blushing?' he asks grinning like the devil. Ohhh, he crossing a line he shouldn't cross. I lean close to him and put my hand on his thigh making him jump slightly. 'You know, you look really hot when you're topless' I say whispering in his ear. I look at his face and it's as red as a tomato. Mission succeded. I lean back and cross my arms. 'Mister Dolan, are you blushing?' I ask mimiking him. 'Shut up' he says while concentrating on the road. He smiles and puts his hand on my thigh. I feel elektricity through my whole body.

What is this boy doing to me?


Hey guys! We hit 93 reads! Party! I'm sorry I do this every chapter, but every chapter I get more readers and I'm just so hyped!!! I'm a little down because the Dolans don't upload for a while, but I'll get over it. I love you guys so, so much! Stay positive and see you next time!

XXX Jules

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