Chapter 17

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The car stops and I smile at Gray. 'What?' He asks while grabbing his stuff.

'You are amazing' I say smiling. 'He stops with everything and looks at me worried. 'Are you okay?' He asks. 'Why?' I ask.

'You act so... different' he says while shrugging his shoulders. I laugh and look out of the window.

I see the hospital and then I remember my foot. I look down and the cloth is drenched with blood.

'I think that I'm a bit up in the clouds because of my blood loss' I say laughing. Grayson looks down at my foot and steps out the car.

He opens my door and wants to grab me but I push his hand away. ' I can take care of myself thank you' I say while standing up.

I inmediately fall down again because of a sharp pain in my foot. I fall in Graysons arms and he smiles at me.

He picks me up bridal style and walks fast towards the hospital. 'I got you princess' he whispers causing shivers up my spine.

I smile at the nickname he gave me and laugh. He ignores it, or just doesn't hear it. We walk inside and he puts me on a bed.

'Stay here' he says while walking away, leaving me alone. I look around and see a familiar shape behind a curtain.

I twist my head and rub my eyes, to see if I'm not imaginen it. I grab the curtain and look behind it. I see my dad sitting on a bed. I feel my stomach twist and I look at him.

He taps his foot nervously and a few moments later I see my mom come out. She's crying and I see my dads expression change.

Those once cold eyes that I saw above me when he beat me, turned soft and sad. His eyes get watery and he burries his face in his hands. I look closer and see my mom with pictures. Of a baby.

I gues she had a misscarige. He can't see me, or else he'll beat the living crap out of me. You might think: Lilith, how can you be so unemotional? Your mom just lost a child.

Well, I often told her to leave my dad because he's treating us badly. But she ignores me. I once wished them both dead. I know, I'm a terrible person.

I quickly close the curtain when my dad looks my way. I feel my stomach twist even more and I taste a sour taste. The curtain opens and I jump.

I sigh with relieve when I see Gray standing there with a doctor. I smile and puke on the floor. 'Oh dear' the doctor says. 'So she's got a flew?' He asks while looking at my vomit.

I shake my head. 'No, this is because of... something else' I say immediately swallowing the the words I wanted to say. I can't talk about my dad, not here, not now.

Grayson looks at me confused. I show the doctor my foot. 'How on earth did you do that?' He asks smiling while grabbing a little box.

I gently take off the cloth and smile. He sits down near by my foot and gently grabs my leg to lay it good. He strokes it on accident when it lays good.

I don't think he noticed he did that, so I'm not gonna scream to him to not touch me. He's trying to help. 'So... what's your name?' I ask him while he's paralizing the painfull parts in my foot. 'Doctor Sheperd' he says while he's concentrated on my foot.

My mouth drops. 'And no, I'm not in charge of neuro' he says smiling. I laugh but then he put in the needle a bit to deep and I suck air through my teeth.

'Sorry' he says with a sad smile. 'It's fine' I say back nodding my head. 'What's your name?' He asks. 'Doctor Amor' I say as a joke. He laughs and so do I. 'Your first name' he says with a smile.

'What's yours?' I ask him. He smiles. 'Dan, now your name' he says while looking me in the eyes. 'Lilith' I say back. He actually is really handsome. Piercing blue eyes, tanned skin, blond hair that's styled perfectly.

'Well Lilith, you are done here. Just, don't do whatever you did again, okay?' He asks while handing me crutches. I nod my. 'You will have to come back in 3 weeks to get the stitches and to bring back the crutches' he says while giving me a piece of paper with the date and time.

I smile and nod my head. 'Thank you Dan' I say. He laughs. 'Patients aren't supposed to call me that' he says whispering. I quickly put a hand in front of my mouth.

'Oh, I'm sorry' I say with a serious face. He smiles and so do I. 'Thank you, again' I say while leaning on the crutches. He nods his head telling me it's okay.

He walks away and I smile. 'He's nice, right Gray?' I ask turning my head. But he isn't there. I stand up and look on the beds. He isn't there. 'Gray?' I ask while searching.

Where is he?


Where did Grayson go? How will Lilith her dad react? And what's going on with the doctor? You'll read it in the next chapter!

Hey guys! First of all: I'm sorry I didn't upload for a while. If I wasn't bussy with school, then I was sick. I got a serious flue, but I'm slowly getting better.

Second: we hit 99 reads! Thank you guys so much! I do this every chapter, but this means so much to me. So just... thank you all😘

Stay positive and see you all next time in The Bad Girl.

XXX Jules

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