The finale

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'He's still alive'

My body freezes at those words. 'What?'I ask with tears in my eyes. 'How do you even know for sure that this gang didn't kill him? It's been 2 years' I say tears rolling over my cheeks. 'Because I've seen him' he says with a smile. I put a hand in front of my mouth and I wipe away my tears. 'How?' He smiles. 'I put the police to find thid gang and when they did, they also found Michael.' 'How is he?! Is he okay? Did they hurt him?! How lo-' He puts his hands on my shoulders. 'He's fine. He was dehydrated and didn't talk until he saw me. He was at the hospital for a week' Am I dreaming. Is he really alive? 'Where is he?' I ask through my tears. He opens a door and I gasp. There he is, sitting on the ground, playing with toy cars. He looks up and smiles as soon as he sees me. That smile, that naughty smile that I missed so much. 'Lolo!' He says while running towards me. I bow down and he puts his arms around my neck while I hold him tight. He even says my name the same he did 2 years ago. He never could say the i so he called me Lolo instead of Lily. 'Why are you shaking?' he asks pulling back. I look at his little angelic face and I smile through my tears. 'It's been two years. I missed you so much little monkey' I say crying. He smiles and wipes away my tears. 'I missed you to Lolo' he says while hugging me. I pick him up and look at Mike who's smiling at us. 'How did you get him here?' I ask him while Michael is burrieng his head in my neck. 'I have my ways' he says smiling. 'Why did you invite me here now? Why did you not tell me earlier?' He sighs. 'The guys who took him are dangerous. If they know I have him and I caused all of this, they will not just hurt me, but also you, Grayson, Ethan, everyone who we care about' he says looking at Michael. He quietly snoring while his hands are around my neck and not letting go. It feels good. 'It would be a little suspicious if you walked out of my mansion with a child, don't you think?' He asks smiling. I smile and nod my head. 'Come on, I think your boyfriend must be worried' he says chuckling. I chuckle too before walking downstairs. Michael slightly wakes up as his little hand tighten it's grip on my dress. 'Lolo?' He asks sleepy. 'Yes little monkey, I'm here' I whisper, letting him know it's me. He tightens his grip even more as he smells my hair. 'You smell pretty.' I laugh a bit at his language. 'Nice, someone smells nice or good' I say smiling. I feel him grin. 'No, you smell pretty' he says while hugging me. A tear rolls my cheek and I smile. We walk down the back stairs so we don't draw much attention. I see Gray standing by the punch table looking around nervously. When he sees my face he bolts towards me, not even noticing the todler in my arms. 'Are you okay?! Have you been crying?' he asks worried. Michael his head lifts up from my shoulder and he looks at Grayson. 'Lolo, who is this?'he asks confused. Grayson looks at me and then to Michael. 'Grayson, this is my baby brother Michael. Michael, this is Grayson.' Grayson his eyes shoot wide open as he hears his name. 'Nice to meet you Glayson' Michael says, not being able to pronounce the R. I smile at his cuteness and Grayson does to. 'It's nice to meet you too Michael' he says shaking hsi tiny hand. Michael laugh and his hand. 'They are so big!' He says playing with them. I smile at him and then look at Gray. 'Lolo, is this youl boyfliend?' He asks still not able to pronounce the R. I blush and look down. 'Yes, I'm her lucky boyfriend' he says smiling. Michael smiles and keeps looking at Gray.I look up to Gray too. 'Let's go' I say to Gray. 'Where?' He asks confused. 'Home' I say while heading towards the car.


I sigh while ploffing down on the couch. Grayson is looking at me. Ethan went to Jake's place and I just pur Michael to bed. 'How did it go?' Gray asks tired from playing games with Michael. 'He didn't want me to leave, so I stayed with him until he fell asleep.' I look at Gray and he's looking at me with a a slight smile. 'What?' I ask him chuckling. He grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. 'I love you' he says looking me in the eyes. 'I love you too' I say smiling.

Okay, smut warning

He leans in and kisses me first soft but then the kiss grows harsher by the minute. He bite my lip asking for entrance and I give it to him. Our tongues fight and he wins. He smirks and I run my hands through his hair and tug it slightly making him groan. It sounds so beautifull. He goes down from kissing my lips to my jawline to my neck. Then he sucks it while using his teeth and I gasp. He looks up. 'Sorry' he says with a apologetic smile. 'I liked it' I whisper. He gets a little red and I kiss him again. This time I kiss down his neck making him freeze. I suck and grit my teeth a bit and he groans while I pull back smiling. I look in his eyes: dark and full of lust. He kisses me harshly and his hands roam all over my body. He lifts me up gently and without breaking the kiss, he takes me to the bedroom. He gently puts me on the bed and starts attacking my neck, pulling down my baggy shirt to kiss my colorbone. My breath hitches and I  put my hands in his hair. He swiftly takes of my shirts and starts doing his thing.


As a teen, you imagine what your first time would be like. Would it be like heaven? Or would you have that glow immediately after? To be honest, it was a bit painfull. But it turned into pleasure in a short time. Now I'm in bed with a faint pain between my legs, still panting from what just happend. I feel two hands wrap around me from behind. Grayson pulls me against his broad bare chest and kisses my neck. 'How was it?' He asks nervous. I smile a bit. 'It was painfull.' He grows quiet. I look back to see him looking worried at me. My eyebrows twitch realising what I just said. 'But it eventually went away and it became verry good' I say smiling. He looks at me still worried. 'What? I didn't finish my sentance.' He kisses my neck again. 'I'm sorry if I hurt you' he says in my neck. I smile at him being so worried. 'It fine Gray, I loved it' I say while turning on my side so now I'm laying on his chest.  'I love you so much' he says while his hand is playing with my hair. 'I love you too' I say smiling. It quiet for a while. 'Can you promise me something?' I ask while tracing circles with my fingers on his chest. 'Hm?' He asks. 'Can you promise that you'll love me no matter what? That even if you see my bad side, you stick by me? That we'll be together forever?' I doubt a bit with my words, usually Gray is the one with the emotional stuff. It quiet for a while and I start to grow nervous.

'I promise'

                       THE END
The end?! Yes, the end. This was The Bad Girl. I want to thank you all for reading this story and for being patient with me and me not uploading all the time.... I still feel guilty about that, I'm still sorry. Anyways, go check out the Dolan twins, I'm sure all of you already did, but if you didn't: what are you doing here?! Just kidding, if you like this story, go check out my other ones.

Thank you all so much once again.

Love you all!!!

XXX Jules

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