The party

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I just wanted to say that I'm gonna wright 2 more chapters. And there WILL be smut in it. So prepare yourself, and for the ones who don't want to read it, I'll put a warning above it😂😉

Lilith's P.O.V
We arrive home from the amusement park and I walk towards Grayson's room to get ready. I grab the black lace coverd dress I bought and quickly put it on before grabbing my black mask to suit my dress. I walk towards the bathroom to do my hair and make up. I knock on the door to see if anyone is using it, but there's no answer. I open it and see Grayson half naked, only coverd by a towel. 'Why are you only wearing a towel?!'I scream out of shock. 'Scandelous!' I hear Ethan say out of the living room. I roll my eyes to his comment and look at a smirking Grayson. He pushes me against the bathroom wall while looking in my eyes.

He smirks and I swallow trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. He leans in, but then heads towards my ear. 'That's for not bringing me to the amusement park' he whispers before walking off. I still stand against the wall, pinned by air. I take a deep breath before I close the door and throw some cold water on my face. 'Calm down Lilith, he's just messing with you' I say to myself before drying my face and applying my make up and curling my hair. I put it half up and half down. The mask fits with my smokey eye look and I look satisfied at myself in the mirror. I walk out the bathroom and in the bedroom to get my black heels. I search in the closet, but I can't find them anywhere. I must have placed them in front of the door.

I sigh and turn around to see Grayson staring at me. 'What?' I ask still looking if my heel really aren't here. 'Babe.... you look beautifull' he says smiling. I look up to his innocent eyes and I give him a quick smile. 'Thank you, but don't you ever pull any crap on me again' I say pointing towards the bathroom. He chuckles and nods his head. 'I'm sorry baby' he says while hugging me. I sigh. 'It's fine, now let me go, I need to search for my heels.' He holds them up and gives them to me. 'What the, where did you pull those from? Your as-' 'they were underneath the bed' he says as I smile.

I put on the heels and only now I take a good look at Gray. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a tux without a tie of any kind. The arms of the jacket hugging his buff arms tightly. I swallow once looking at his figure. 'Is there something wrong?' He asks looking at my face. 'You look good' I say without thinking. He turns red and looks down shy. 'T-thanks' he says putting on his shoes. Aw, he' even stuttering. I smile at him and wait for him to finish. He stands up and we walk towards the front door. I quickly grab the inventation and walk out of the door with Grayson.

'Have fun!' I hear Ethan say before the door closes. I smile and we walk to the car together in silence. I sit besides him and he starts the car. The whole ride is silent until he speaks. 'It's going to be fine' he says quickly looking at me before looking at the road again. I sigh. 'I don't know Gray, I seriously got a bad feel about this whole thing' I say while fidgeting with my fingertips. A chuckle leaves his mouth and I turn my head to look at him. 'I will protect you' he says while squeezing my hand in resurance. I feel butterflies and smile at his sweet gesture. 'Thank you' I say grabbing his hand and squeezing it back.


We arrive at a HUGE mansion. I take a moment to take it all in. 'Okay, that's freaking huge' Grayson says looking at the masion. 'That's what she said' I mumble also looking at the huge house. His gaze changes from the house to me. 'What? You made it too easy for me' I say still looking at the mansion. He chuckles and steps out of the car. 'Let's go princess' he says while opening the door and puts out a hand. I grab it and step out ot the car. I put on my mask as Grayson does the same. We walk towards the front door and we show our inventation before going in. I look around the big hall and the first thing I see is a huge chandelier in the middle of it all. 'Lillypad.' I turn around and see Mike looking at me with a smirk. Grayson's grip around my waist tightens as soon as he sees Mike. 'Hi Mike' I say as cool as possible. 'Why did you invite me?' I ask him looking straight in his blue eyes. His smile fades and he nods his head. 'But I need to talk to you alone' he says looking at Gray. He pulls me even closer and I look at him. He's clenching his jaw and shooting death glares towards Mike. 'Gray.' He looks at me. 'I'm gonna talk to him for a minute, I'll be back' I say before pecking his cheek and walking away with Mike. We walk upstairs and stop in the hallway. He looks down but then looks at me. 'Lilith, after you told me about Michael.... I went digging for information.' I freeze when I hear his name. 'Don't you think I searched the whole planet for hi-' 'I have more power, and I found out that it was your father his fault.' I look up to his eyes. 'What?' I ask him not believing his words. 'He did some bussines with a dangerous gang and it didn't end well....' I nod my head, knowing the story. 'But...' I look up again. 'Michael wasn't killed.'

'He's still alive'

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