Sorry guys

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Hey guys, this is not a new chapter, sorry. I want to tell, or write to you guys why I haven't been uploading so much. First of all I was busy writing other stories... or story.

Second, I'm having a huge writers block with this story right now. Nothing is more annoying than wanting to write something, but not knowing what to write.

Third, I don't feel so good lately. Psychialy and mentally. I feel really down and I think there's more snot in my head than brains. I try to be cool and happy in front of my friends, but sometimes it's just tough to act all the time. You might think: Jules, why are you telling me this?

Well guys, you are the only ones not asking questions, but just accepting it. Wattpad is my only escape right now, so I'm gonna stop writing the other story for a while so I can concentrate on this one until it's finished. I'm gonna make sure next chapter is gonna extra long😙

And if one of my best friends is reading this, which I know she will, I'm okay, I will be okay. Just one sentance: puberty sucks. I think you guys can relate😂😘

That's all this time guys, again, sorry for not uploading. I'm really gonna try to upload more😘😗

Love you all of you so freaking much, bye bae's!

XXX Jules😘

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