Chapter 3

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Ethan's P.O.V

I smile and look at her until she's disappeared. I smile and walk back in the school. I walk in the class and everyone looks at me. I see Gray smiling at me. Everyone starts whispering. 'Well, who might you be?' the teacher asks. 'I'm new here, miss...' 'Jones, pleasure to meet you' she says. 'Likewise' I say. 'Well introduce yourself to the class' she says. 'Uhm okay, I'm Ethan and I'm new here' I say smiling. 

'You can sit next to Rose' Miss Jones says. I look at the girl with a red, blue nose and smile. I sit next to her. 'Hi, my name is Rose' she says. I look at her. 'Yeah, Miss Jones just said that' I say. I take out my books and start to listen to teaching material. 'Alright kids, go and do your homework' Miss Jones says. I start my homework, but it's very hard. 'Sorry I'm late!' I hear from the doorway. I look up and see the girl standing there. Miss Jones smiles. 'Well, well, Miss Amor, what was is this time' Miss Jones asks. The girl smiles. 'Miss, can I keep that reason to myself this time please?' she asks. 

Miss Jones smiles. 'You're lucky I didn't cross you as absent' she says smiling. The girl looks around and the only free seat is next to me. She drops her school bag next to mine and I look at her: leather jacket, boots with enormous heels, black pants, black backpack. I look back at Rose: Pink shirt, rose colored jeans, pink sneakers. They are completely the opposite of each other. I try to make my homework but there is a very hard question. 'Hey Rose' I say. 'Yes Ethan' she says almost drooling. 

'What's the answer to question 4?' I ask. 'Uhm, 78?' she says. 'This is history' I say. 'Oh, uhm, I knew that' she says. I sigh. Then I look at the girl next to me. She writes everything down super fast. 'Miss Amor, I have a question' I ask. She stops writing and looks at me with a agitated face. 'Don't call me that' she says while she goes on with writing. 'Then how should I call you?' I ask. She sighs. 'I already told your brother: I'm not friend material, just leave me alone, please' she says. 'Can you at least help me with question 4?' I ask. She sighs and turns over a page. 'Why did the second world war begin?' she reads out loud. 

'Do you have any idea?' she says while looking at me. 'Uhm, because Hitler wanted power?' I ask. She smiles. That's the first time. 'Almost, one of the reasons was the treaty of Versailles, he, Hitler, wanted Germany to be great again' she says. 'You got that?' she asks with a sweet smile. I nod my head. 'You know miss Amor, this is the first time you're being nice to me' I say with a smile. 'Well, don't get used to it' she says. 

'Uhm, you missed something' Rose says. The girl looks at her with one eyebrow up. 'What did I miss missy?' she asks. 'One of the reasons was that French Ferdinand was shot' she says. The girl looks at me and then laughs really hard. 'That was the first world war you stupid knobhead' she says laughing. Rose is offended and goes on working. 

'Oh man, that was priceless' she say while she goes on writing. 'So you like history?' I ask. She looks at me and smiles. 'You'll won't stop will you?' she asks.

Lilith's P.O.V

'Nope' he says. I sigh. 'I like everything in school, except for the recess' I say. He looks at me weird. 'You are so weird' he says. 'I prefer to be called out of the ordinary' I say while I grab my books and put them in my bag. 'So, maybe we can we meet later today?' he asks. I stop with my books. Everything in my body is telling me to go, but my mind is telling me to go home. 'I can't' I say while walking away. 

I walk towards my locker, and try to get my books. I close my locker and Grayson's standing next to it. 'What?!' I ask anoid, hoping he would go away. 'Can Ethan and me please take you somewhere?' he asks. Again, every viber in my body is telling me yes, my mind is telling me no. 'Fine, but make it quick' I say. He immediately smiles and grabs my hand. He pulls me through the crowd and walks out the school. 

I see a car and Ethan's in it. He smiles the second he sees me. I go sit in the car and Grayson sits in the front. 'Well Miss Amor-' I cut Ethan of. 'I already told you not to call me that' I say smiling. 'Then what could I call you?' he asks while looking at me through the back mirror. I smile. 'Lilith, but if you feel comfortable with Lili, it's also okay, it just sounds so..... girly' I say while looking at the window. They smile. 'Where are we going?' I ask quirius. 

'That's a surprise' Grayson says. There's almost no one on the highway. Ethan opens the roof to let some air in, but I stand up and yell. Grayson does to and yells too. He looks back at me and I smile and close my eyes. I open them again and see Grayson pointing down. I sit down in the car. 'Why do love that so much?' he asks. I smile. 'When I'm out in nature, feel the wind through my hair, the wind against my skin, it's the only time I can feel free' I say while looking him straight in the eye. He nods. 'Why don't you feel free' Ethan asks. 

He turns left and drives through a kind of dessert. I'm not ready to tell them yet. 'So, you're not going to kill me right?' I ask jokingly. 'What? No' Grayson says. Then we stop and Grayson and Ethan step out the car. So do I. 'Wow, sand, sand, and let's see, hm, more sand' I say while looking around. Ethan smiles. 'Come on' Grayson says. 

I walk behind then and then I hear the sound of water falling. I walk a little faster and see a beautiful waterfall. I smile. 'Guys, it's beautiful' I say while walking towards the edge. Then I see how high it is and become dizzy. I look back and see them taking their shirt off. 'Ehm, what are you guys doing?' I ask scared. 'We're gonna jump down' Ethan says smiling. 

I feel nauseous. Ethan stands at the edge and jumps. I look at the edge. 'Hey, are you okay?' he asks. I shake my head. 'This is my nightmare, I'm terrified of heights' I say shaking. He smiles. 'Just, take of your shirt and pants' he says. I sigh and do what he says. I stand there in my underwear. 'Together?' Grayson asks while he holds out his hand. 

I nod my head and take it. Then we jump. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I scream, but then my body hits the water. I sink down, but then I remember. Everything, rehab, my dad, my mom, my brother. I see every memory. When I open my eyes, I realised I ran out of air. I try to swim to the surface, but I'm to deep. When I see black spots, I still try to swim to the surface, but it's to late. Everything becomes black.


Hey guys, so I'm sorry if things are a little bit weird ATM, but I forgot to write this part, and another one, so it's proberly really confusing, but I also uploaded chapter 4 again, so I hope everything is okay now. Bye guys, love you all!!! XX Jules

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