Chapter 19

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Lilith's P.O.V
'Hey, Lil, wake up' I hear a soft voice say. I slowely open my eyes and see Grayson hovering over me and smiling at the same time. I shoot up and my head bumps against his. 'Ouch!' I say while rubbing my head.

I look over to him and he's also rubbing his head. 'That's the last time I'm gonna try to wake you up romantically' he mumbles while smiling. I look up and see that I'm in bed. I smile while thinking about last night.

I couldn't sleep because of nightmares and he comforted me and he fell asleep with me. Ethan is staying with Jake, they got quite close... what's weird because they didn't even like each other at first, but okay. That means that we don't have to worry about that. I know that it might seem selfish, and it is. It's extremely selfish, but I just want to enjoy the time I have with Grayson before ruining it again.

At least, I think I'm gonna ruin it if I tell E that Gray and I are together. I mean, he could still have feelings, and things could get ugly. I don't wanna ruin what Ethan and Grayson have, but I don't think I can lie to Ethan. He can alway see right through me, always. That what makes him my best friend.

I'm the worst person ever

I made my best friend think he had a chance with me. He wanted to steal my heart, while all this time, Grayson still had it.

I put my hands in my hear and sigh. I feel a hand on my back and I look up. I see Grayson with a cup of coffee. My eyes widen and I inmediately take it. 'Energie' I say before drinking it. He smiles and tries to look me in the eyes.

'Why did you zone out?' he asks me worried, yet kind. I always appreciate that he never wants to push his boundries with me. If I don't want to answer something, he doesn't ask, he just leaves it and tries to comfort me.

'How are we gonna tell Ethan?' I ask worried and sad.

Grayson's P.O.V

I see sadness and worry flowing in her eyes. I take a deep breath. I didn't think about that actually. He never said he had feelings for her, but I guess when I screwed up, he saw his chance. 'I don't know. I think we will have to sit down for a while, and try to explain it, the situation' I say, not trying to overthink things.

'What if he gets angry and moves out? What I will never see him again? What if-' her tears cut of her sentance. My eyes fill with sympathy and I embrace her in my arms. 'What if he'll hate me?' she says crying

My heart breaks just by seeing her like this. 'He will never hate you Lil, you are his best friend. And yes, maybe he will be mad, but he'll adapt. If he really likes you, he would want to see you happy' I say while holding her even tighter. She clenches my shirt and then pulls away.

'I'm sorry' she says while wiping away her tears. I smile and make her look at me. 'Don't apologize for crying. Everyone cries, it's human' I say smiling. She chuckles and shakes her head. 'That was really deep, not like you Gray' she says while shoving my shoulder.

'I'm trying to lighten the mood, okay?' I say with a smile, but quite annoyed. She giggles and my heart melts. I can't believe that we met a month ago. In those weeks we were together, broke up, said we loved each other, and just spend time with each other.

I remember the first time I saw her smile. It was in the car when we were on our way towards the waterfall. She stood up and let the wind go through her beautiful brown hair. That was the first legit smile I ever saw of her.

'Thinking of me?' she asks smiling. 'You have no idea' I say while wiggling my eyebrows. She blushes and steps out the bed. 'I'm gonna make breakfast' she says while going around the corner. I smile to myself and put on a shirt. I walk out the bedroom and she her making breakfast while singing to Quit from Ariana Grande.

I walk up behind her and put my arm around her waist.

Lilith's P.O.V

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and I smile and blush. 'Gray, if you're not letting me go, the eggs are gonna burn' I say smiling. He gives a peck in my neck and sits on a chair by the table. I walk towards the table with two plates. 'Give me my breakfast woman' he says smiling.

I gasp and keep the two plates to myself. 'Lil, come on, you know I was joking' he says pouting. 'You shouldn't mess with me, you know how much I love food' I say while eating up my plate. 'Please?' he asks while making puppy eyes.

I pretend to think. 'Hmmm... no' I say while eating up my egg. 'Okay, I'm sorry' he finally says. I smile. 'That's what I wanted to hear' I say smiling while giving him the plate. He rolls his eyes and I laugh at him. When we ate our breakfast I stand up.

'Where are you going? We don't have school today' he asks curious. I smile at him. 'I'm going to my second boyfriend who is waiting for me in his mansion' I say while rolling my eyes. He keeps quit. 'You are joking.. right?' he asks worried. I snort. 'I'm gonna check the mail stupid' I say chuckling.

'We never get something in the mail box' he says suspicious. 'Never hurts to check' I say while putting on my shoes. He scuints his eyes at me and I giggle and walk towards him. 'Am I stupid?' I ask him. 'What? No' he says confused.

'Good, you know I'm smart. I know that I got a good one this time, so I aint cheating on you with a rich old man' I say while giving a peck on his lips. He smiles and nods his head. 'I love you!' he says before I walk out. 'I'm only going away for five minutes!' I say back.

'....... I still love you though' he says a bit more quit. I giggle. 'I love you to Grayson' I say before walking out. I walk towards the reception and check the mail box. There is a letter. I take it out and it looks fancy. I walk back towards the apartement and see who it's for.

Grayson walks over to me and wants to grab the letter but I snatch it back. 'It's for me' I say confused. 'But you don't even live here' he says, just as confused as I am. I nod my head and open it.

Dear Lilith Amor,

We invite you to the yearly masked prom. I only used that sentance because I need to, but I really want you to come. I missed you and only saw you recently, but we didn't really talk. I want to talk, we NEED to talk. You know I have a lot of power, I can change your life with the snip of my fingers.

Lilith, I don't want to threaten you, but you NEED to come to this. If we don't talk, and if I don't warn you, you, your boyfriend, your BFF Ethan, and..... someone else, will be in danger. I truly hope you come, please make the right decesion.

I feel my breakfast come up as soon I read the name. 'Lil, you okay? You're getting white' Gray says worried. I run towards the bathroom and throw up my food. That name keeps repeating in my head.

Mike, freaking, Thompson.

(If you don't remember, which I don't blame you for, Mike Thompson is Lilith her ex who got her into Juvie, and Lilith thinks that he killed her baby brother. Just making things clear)


Hey guys! I'm sorry for not uploading for so long. I was writing another story (if you're interested it's called hurt and it's about BTS.... I only reccomend it if you like BTS, just saying ;-P) and I was reading other fan fics because of a writers block. That's why last chapter was so... meh, if you get what I mean. Plus it's vacation right now in the Netherlands, so most of the time I was sleeping.....

Don't judge me

Anyways, I'm so freaking exited caus the Dolan twins are gonna upload again tonight !! I'm so excited to finnaly see Ethan and Grayson again. Give em all the love and support you can give!!

I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next time in The Bad Girl! Love you all!!

XXX Jules

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