Chapter 14

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Lilith's P.O.V
I walk through the hallway's crying. 'Hey L!' I hear in front of me. I look up and see Jake.

'Hey, what happend?' He asks while running towards me. I just cry and think about the things Gray said, why would he do that? I thought we were good again.

Jake wipes away my tears and smiles. 'You okay?' He asks worried. I nod my head. 'Now, why is my favorite person crying?' He asks while wrapping his arms around me. I shake my head. I can't tell him that.

He nods his head and drives me home, my own home, yup I bought  an appertament. I can't live with my mom and dad, and I knew I couldn't stay with the Dolans, so here I am.

I wave Jake goodbye and he drives away. I sit on my couch and grab my diary. It's time to pour my heart out again.

Dear diary,

You'll never guess what happend. Grayson turned against me. He started to say mean stuff, about me harming myself etc. I started crying and walked away. Ethan chased me, but I knew how to shake him off.

Jake asked me why I was crying, but I can't tell him
If I do, he'll beat up Gray. You may think: girl, I would have told him and I would have cheered on the side line when he beat him up.

But I like him, maybe even love. Even if he hurts me, even if he hates me, I will always like him.

I have trust issues, and don't believe in love. I always thought it was a fairy tale, that is ended with a: they lived happy ever after. But real life doesn't work like that diary.

Real life sucks, real life hurts. The ones you truly love.... hurt you the most. That person with me... is Grayson. I love him the most, and he hurt me the most.

I almost can't write anymore because of the tears. I cry for a few minutes and then go on with writing.

As I was saying, real life sucks. I have 2 persons, who I hope care about about me. Ethan and Jake. I hope Gray still cares too. I mean, I'm in love with him. Yes, I admitted it, I'm in love with him. It feels good to say it.

Well, write it. Dear dairy, why does life have to suck? I know Gray. I know he's with some whore right now, I think Rose, trying to forget everything. But what did I do? I don't understand.

Boys are confusing diary, but I still love em. Dear lord help me get through the day.

I stop writing and put the diary under the pillow of the couch, where I always put it. I grab my phone and see it's Ethan I don't pick up and throw it on the floor.

I put on Sherlock and watch 3 episodes. If you never watched it, first of all, go watch it. And second, one episode is 1 and a half hour or something. So I spend the whole day with a ice cream tub and Sherlock.

I look ourside and it's dark. I turn off the TV and grab a blanket. I don't have the money yet to buy a bed, so the couch it is. I put in my earphones and I can't sleep.

The next morning
I hear my alarm go off. Is it morning already? I stand up and grab my schoolbag. I didn't sleep a second. The things Gray said just kept replaying in my head. I skip breakfast, I don't need it anyway. I walk to school and when I enter I quickly walk towards my locker, hoping no one knows I'm in school.

A fist hits my locked closed, I look up and I stare into those hazel green eyes I love. Grayson's hazel green eyes.

Grayson's P.O.V
I stans by my locker and hear the school doors open. I see Lilith walking in, but she isn't herself. She wears the same clothes as yesterday and has huge bags under her eyes.

She looks anxious, and I want to walk up to her and ask her what's going on. But then I remember the image of her and Ethan kissing. The feeling fades inmediately. She goes towards her locked and opens it. I walk towards her and slam my fist on her locker.

She jumps and looks at me suprised and affraid. She stops with everything and just looks at me with her big green eyes. 'Hope you ate well, you almost look like there's nothing there' I say looking at her butt. She swallows away her tears and the bell rings. I turn around to walk away but she put her hand on my bicep.

It sends elektricity through my body. I grab her hand and pin her up against a wall. I look in her eyes and she just stares at me. 'Are you not scared?' I ask. 'Terrified' she responds calmly. 'Then why aren't you running?' I ask threatening.

'Because I trust you' she says back while holding her tears back. I put my hand over her neck and she swallows before taking a deep breath. 'Do you trust me now?' I ask while slowly aplaying pressure. Her breathing increases. 'I never stopped, and always will' she says affraid.

I look in her eyes, and they are filled with sadness, but also a bit off hope and.... love? I shake my head and let go off her. I walk away. The hallway's are empty, they were for a while.

'Gray' she says. I stop and listen. 'I-I love you' she says stuttering and crying at the same time. She loves me, she said that she loves me.

'Well, I don't love you' I say back harshly and cold. I hear that she cries even more. I sit in class and s
think about everything that just happend. She confessed her love for me, and I turned her down. I burned her down.

What did I do?

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. We hit 90 reads! Thank you guys so much! I love you all, and remember: stay positive and see the bright side in anything. Love you all! Bye!

XXX Jules

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