Chapter 8

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Ethan's P.O.V

Lilith runs out of the door and I'm still sitting on the couch. I spring up and storm towards Gray's room. I see him sitting on his bed with Rose in it half naked. 'Hey pretty boy, wanna join?' she asks smiling.

'What the hell? No! And get out of my house' I say angry, knowing why Lilith left. 'I'm only going when Gray tells me to leave' she says flirty while looking at Grayson.

He doesn't say anything. I sigh and throw Rose over my shoulder. 'What are you doing?! Let me go!' she screams. I throw her on the other side of the door still in her underwear. I smile to myself knowing she has to walk her way home in her underwear. I storm towards Gray's room and open the door.

'Dude, what the hell?!' I ask. He doesn't respond, he just sits there and stares off into space. 'Grayson?!' I ask anoyed and angry. He finaly looks up. 'What the hell? Why did you do that? She didn't take it from you, did she?' I ask scared and angry.

He shakes his head. I see he's still confused. 'Bro, what happend?' I ask confused while sitting next to him. 'Rose, she came over, and she-she showed me pictures of Lilith kissing and hugging another guy' he says with a raspy voice. 

'That isn't a excuse to just fuck a random girl Gray!' I say angry. He nods his head. 'I know, I-I need to talk to her' he says while getting up. I shake my head. I'll go after her, you've done enough' I say while walking away. I know where she went. 

I walk into the forrest and hear a pure voice. It's Lilith. I see her sitting against a rock. I accidentally step on a brench and she turn around scared. I smile. 'Sorry, didn't wanna startle you' I say while walking towards her. She sighs and sits back down. I never really noticed how pretty she is. Green piercing eyes, beautiful brown hair that has beautiful natural waves in them.

I sit beside her and she looks at me, I don't see the spark that there was before. It's just, gone. 'I'm so sorry Lil' I say while she looks away. 'It's fine, I'm fine' she says. I see that she's trying to convince herself by saying that. I sigh again and give her a hug. She stiffens up but the huggs back. 'It's okay to feel Lil' I say while rubbing her back. 

I hear her breathing faster and crying. It kills me to see her like this. I pull away and wipe away her tears. I see that she's thinking. There is a spark in her eyes and I smile. She leans in and kisses me. I inmediately pull back and look her in the eyes. 'Lilith' I say with a sigh. 'Please, don't' she says while her hand is on the side of my face. I sigh and lean in. I feel butterflies in my stomach. 

This feels so wrong and so right at the same time. I can't do this to Gray, he's my twin, and this is his ex. That's the number one of the bro code: don't date each others exes. But ever since I laid eyes on her, I knew she was different. I think about Gray, and I just can't. I pull back and she smiles while looking at me with those green eyes. I smile. But then it fades. 

'Lilith, I can't do this' I say while cupping her face with my hands. Her face goes from happy to sad inmedaitely. I sigh. 'Why not?' she asks me while looking sad at me. 'You just broke up with Grayson. I can't do this to him' I say whild she nods her head. 'I understand, your brother comes on first place' she says while standing up. 'Lilith' I say while grabbing her arm.

She looks at me, but I don't see the eyes I adore so much. These eyes are dark and full of hatred. And somehow, I also see a hint of sadness. It dissapears and now there is no emotion.

'Go to Grayson' she says. She wants to pull her arm away, but I hold on. 'Lilith' I say hoping she would stay. She's my best friend, beside Gray. 'What are we?' I ask hoping we could figure something out. 'Gray and me are over, you and me.... never existed' she say while pulling her arm away.

'See you again Dolan' she says walking away. I blink a couple times and walk towards the rock. I sit against it and feel something under my leg.

I feel what it is and it's Lilith her ring. I feel tears coming in my eyes, realizing I'm not gonna see her any time soon. I hold it in my hand and feel tears rolling over my cheeks.

How am I gonna get her back?

Hey guys, again, sorry for the mess, but I fixed it! Thank you so mich for reading. Will Ethan get Lilith back? Will Grayson talk to her again? Will Lilith build up her walls again? I'm still thinking😂
See you guys next time, love you all
XXX Jules

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