Chapter 11

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'Grayson?' I ask. 'Lilith' he says relieved. 'What do you want?' I ask irritated. He sighs. 'Ethan said you were acting weird' he says while leaning on the door post. 'Did you send him over?' I ask without emotion. He nods his head. 'Why?' I ask while I close the door a little bit more so he can't walk in. 'Because you aren't yourself Lil' he says while pushing the door a little bit more open.

'No, you're right. The weak Lilith is gone' I say while turning away. He gently grabs my arm and I flinch because of the cuts.

I snitch away my arm and want to close the door.

He puts his foot between the door en looks at me through the crack. 'Lilith? What did you do?' He asks with fear in his eyes. 'Why do you care?' I ask while walking away from the door. He sighs and walks through the door.

'Because.... I just do' he says while gently grabbing my shoulder. He turns me around. 'Lilith, what did you do?' He asks again. I sigh and put my hands against my head massaging it.

'You don't care, no one does' I say while snatching my shoulder from his grip. He tries to connect his eyes with mine, but I can't. If I do that, I'll fall back into his arms. And can't be weak again.

'Lilith, me and E miss you. We want the old you back' he says while lifting my chin making me look into his beautiful, hazel green eyes.

I sigh because I missed this so much. Just looking into his eyes. I just feel happy again, I feel all of the pain I felt a few seconds ago, just dissapear. I'm almost ready to give in, but then alarms are going off in my head. I can't.

I gently push him away towards the door. 'The old Lilith is gone' I say while looking down. He just stands there at the door.

Grayson's P.O.V
'Lilith, me and E miss you. We want the old you back' I say hoping she would look into my eyes. She doesn't so I gently grab her chin and see those beautiful green eyes. But they aren't like I remember them.

They are sad, and angry. When she looks into my eyes, it's like something switched. She gives a shaky sigh. I missed this so much. I missed her. She looks back and I see the old Lilith again. The happy, humorous, crazy Lilith I love.

Then it all dissapears in less then a second. She pushes me towards the door and I sigh knowing I failed to get her back. 'The old Lilith is gone' she says while looking at the ground.

I can't believe this. She really is gone, and this hits me harder than a truck.

She's gone

'You can let yourself out' she says while she walks away. I can't lose her. She makes me smile in my worst moments, she makes me nervous. She's my everything.

'Lilith!' I say to her before she disapears. She turns around, and I see hope in her eyes. I walk to her and hug her. She hugs back.

I pull back and it almost looks like she's about to smile. I grab her wrist and she flinches again. I'm not gonna ask her again what's going on, I know she's not going to answer.

I grab her sleeve and pull it up. I see cuts all over her arms. I gasp at this sight and she quickly pulls down her sleeve. 'Lilith, why?' I ask with tears in my eyes. She shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't owe you a explanation' she says while she looks to the ground. Why did I do the things I do? Why did I let Rose in? Why did I let her do her thing? Why?! I'm so mad at myself right now. If I didn't do all those things.... this never would have happend. 'Gray?' She asks caring.

'What's on your mind?' she asks while sitting on the couch. 'If I didn't let Rose in, this never would have happend' I say looking at the ground dissapointed. 'If, my dad didn't go right on baker street, he wouldn't have met my mom. If I wasn't send to the office that day and if you weren't in my class, we never would have met. You can think about the past, and wonder what you could have done right. Or, you can think about the future and think about what you can do right' she says while giving me that sweet caring smile I fell for.

Then she looks down. 'Grayson, can we just be friends? And nothing more?' she asks while smiling at me. This stabs me deep in the heart. But I can't push things to far, to fast. I'm happy because,

She's back

Lilith is back... but will it last? Or will Grayson hurt her again? They are friends, or will their old fling turn out to be more than a fling? You'll read it in the next chapter!

Hey guys! We hit 55 reads! Whoop whoop! Thank you guys so much for reading my story. I'm so gratefull and happy for you guys. Love you all so much, and stay positive!

XXX Jules

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