Chapter 4

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Grayson's P.O.V

'Together?' I ask her. She smiles. She's so beautiful when she smiles. She grabs my hand and then we jump. I lose hand as soon as we hit the water. I swim to the surface and see Ethan lying on a rock. I come out of the water and slap him. 

'Oh you didn't!' he says while chasing me. When we come back to the lake, I'm still running away, but Ethan stands still. 'Where's Lilith?' he asks me. My eyes grow big and I look around. I immediately jump in the water, but I can't find her. I dive again and then I see a figure lying on the bottom. I swim towards her, but I'm almost out of air. 

I ignore it and grab her waist. I see black spots and finally reach the surface. I put her on the ground on the side and I catch my breath. Ethan starts doing CPR.

Lilith's P.O.V

I see Ethan kissing me. I'm not complaining, but I'd rather see Grayson. I cough up water and catch my breath. I look around and see Grayson wet and out of breath. Ethan looks concerned at me. 'Thank god you're okay' he says while hugging me. I hug back. I pull back and stand up. I try to walk, but I fall. Grayson catches me and I look in his eyes. He's still out of breath. He puts me back on my feet. 

'Are you okay?' I ask him concerned. He nods his head. I give him a tight hug. 'Thank you' I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek. I pull back and walk to Ethan I also give him a hug. 'Thank you' I say smiling. He hugs me and I also give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushes and I smile. 'Mister Dolan, are you blushing?' I ask jokingly. 'It's very hot here' he says while blushing even more. I smile and turn my head. 

I see Grayson standing at the edge of the lake. 'Go to the truck, I'll be right behind you' I say to Ethan. He nods his head and walks to the truck. I walk towards Gray. I stand next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and then looks back at the lake. 'What's wrong?' I ask. 'You can't swim?' he asks. I look at him and I see scaredness. 'I can swim' I say while laying me head on his arm. He pulls me of. 'Then why didn't you swim up immediately?' he asks worried. I sigh. 'Gray, there are some things I'm not ready to tell you yet' I say while looking to the ground. 'Tell me!' he yells. I feel tears coming in my eyes. This didn't happen a lot, at least for a long time.

 I look him in the eyes and he realizes what he did. He pulls me in for a hug. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you like that' he says. I nod my head and smile. 'You shouldn't have indeed' I say smiling. We walk to the truck together and i sit in the front with Ethan. 'You okay?' he asks. I smile and nod my head. We drive back and I give directions to my house. It's almost dark. I sigh and grab my schoolbag. 'Thank you guys, I really had a good time' I while giving a sweet smile. I give them a hug and then pull back. 'I will see you tomorrow at school' I say while giving them a smile. 

No one ever made me legitimately smile, except for them. When I walk in my house, my smile fades. I see my mom and dad waiting at the dinner table. 'Lilith Amor, where have you been?!' my mom asks. My dad comes storming towards my. 'You promised that you'd come right home after school' my dad says while standing in my face. 'I'm sorry, I went out with some friends' I say scared. He slaps me and I fall on the ground. I feel water coming from one eye. I feel on my lip and there's blood coming from it. 

He kicks me and then grabs my arm tightly and throws me in my room. Then I hear them fighting again. I just sit on the floor where my dad threw me and try to sit up, but then fall down again. I crawl towards my bed and lay on it and cry. 'Lilith?' I hear a shaky voice say. I quickly wipe away my tears and look up. It's Grayson. 'Are you okay' he asks while he sits next to me. I shake my head and cry at the same time. 

He scoops me of the bed and hugs me tightly. He goes with his hand over my arm and I flinch. He looks weird at me and then pulls up my sleeve. A massive purple spot. I pull my arm back and roll the sleeve down. 'Lilith, what happened?' he asks. I shake my head. He puts his hand under my chin and pulls my face up, gentle. 'Lilith' he says before leaning in. I lean in to kiss, but I remember what I'm doing and pull back. 

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