Chapter 7

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Grayson's P.O.V

I'm so happy with Lilith, she's amazing. I lay on my bed waiting for her to come over. The doorbell goes and I can't wait to see her beautiful face. I open the door and see Rose. My smile inmediatly fades and turns into a frown.

'What?' I ask. She smiles and walks in. She walks towards my bedroom and sits on the bed. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' I ask. She sighs. 'Grayson, I know we went off on the wrong foot, but there is something I need to show you' she says, not on a bitchy way, what suprises me.

She shows me a picture of a guy and Lilith hugging in the hallways of school. 'So? She huggs people all the time' I say. She shows me another picture of her kissing him on the cheek and after that a picture of them kissing.

Lilith looks almost suprised, but the guy is enjoying himself. I feel numb, emotionless. 'I'm sorry' Rose says. I look at her and kiss her. Now I can feel the pain, the jealosy.

I push her on my bed and she takes off my shirt. I take of hers and look at my vieuw. I wanted Lilith to be my first. I can't do this. I stop and sit on the edge of my bed and she sits up. 'Just imagine I'm Lilith' she says while kissing my back.c'You just be you' I say while jumping on top of her. I leave a trail of kisses over her and she moans.

What the hell am I doing?

Lilith's P.O.V

I smile while I open the door of twins their apartement. I see Ethan sitting on the couch. 'Yo Eetieweetie' I say smiling. 'For the hundreth time, don't call me that' he says with a smile. 'Whatcha doin?' I ask looking at the tv.

'I'm watching Sherlock Holmes, wanna join?' he asks. I nod my head. I look around. 'Where's Gray?' I ask while looking back at the screen. 'In his room' he says. I'll go to him after this episode.

'I'm in love with Benedict Cumberbatch' I say while looking at the screen. Ethan laughs. 'Why?' he asks. 'He's a amazing actor, just look how he performs the Sherlock role!' I say smiling. 'I wanna do the things he does' I say smiling. 'Go ahead' Ethan says. I look at him. 'What?' I ask. 'Do your best, read me' he says.

I look at him and see his pupils dialate, his fingers are scratching the couch, there's dirt on his shoes, brand new watch, holding arm and sitting straight up but not all the way because of a recent work out.

'Pupils dialating, meaning you have feelings for someone or something, your fingers are scratching the couch because you're nervous, there's dirt on your shoes, look more like dried up cement, wich means you've been around construction areas, brand new watch meaning you've just made a lot of money. Your body language tell me you've recently been working out' I blurt out all in once.

He looks at me and blinks. 'Wow, you're right' he says. I smile. 'What else can you tell about me?' he asks. I study him. 'I see some scratches on-' I stop because of a weird sound. 'What?' Ethan asks. 'Sh!' I say. I listen and hear it again.

A girl moaning. I look with horror towards Gray's room. I stand up and storm towards his room and open his door. I see him laying on top of Rose, both half naked. 'Nice time fucking?!' I ask angry.

Gray is startled and jumps of Rose. 'You have to ruin everything don't you?' Rose asks. I ignore her and look towards Gray. I walk towards him and slap him. 'Dick' I say before walking out and throwing the door closed behind me.

I walk towards the door and walk out. I walk out and towards the forest. I look at the trees and breath in the sweet forest air. I start singing Jar of hearts. Fits the situation.

I look at a big rock and sit against it. Then I hear a twig break behind me. I turn around and see Ethan standing there. 'Sorry, didn't wanna startle you' he says. I sigh and sit back down. He sits beside me and I look at him.

'I'm so sorry Lil' he says. 'It's fine, I'm fine' I say with no emotion. He sighs and gives me a hug. I'm surprised but then I hug back. 'It's okay to feel Lil' he says while rubbing my back.

I let the feelings in and I cry. He pulls away and wipes away my tears. I look him in the eyes. He never hurt me, always treated me well. I lean in and kiss him. He immediately pulls back. 'Lilith' he says while cupping my face.

'Please, don't' I say while my hand is on the side of his face. He leans in and we kiss. All I can think about is Gray, why did he do this?


Oh damn, Gray cheated because he thought Lilith cheated, but she was just hugging a old ex and....... yeah, I'm also trying to follow the story. And what is this new thing Lilith can do? Honestly, just a little obsessed with the series Sherlock.... yeah, yeah I know. But thank you guys so much for reading my story! It means a lot to me. Bye guys! Love you all!

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