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Lilith's P.O.V
I sit in class, ticking with my pencil on the table. Gray and I are gonna go shopping for clothes for that stupid prom thing. Yes, I don't like it. I don't like dances and stuff. 'Miss Amor?' I look up and everyone is staring at me. 'What?' I ask scared. 'Do you know the answer?' Miss Julie asks.

I sigh. 'No, do you?' I ask annoyed. I hear people chuckle and I roll my eyes. 'No need to play smart with me Miss Amor' she says while turning back to the board. I roll my eyes again and look at the blank pages beneath me. I bite my lip and flip through my book.

Suddenly I see a little drawing, and I smile to myself thinking about the moment. I was feeling down and Ethan tried to cheer me up, but we weren't allowed to speak. So he drew a weird animal man thing in my book to cheer me up. I love him, I do, just not like that.

The ringing bell snaps me out of my thoughts and I grab my books to walk out of the classroom. I look around in the hallways trying to look for Ethan. He's nowhere to be found. I think... maybe he's outside, he always likes it there. I run outside and look for any sign of life. Then I hear people kissing. I sigh, thinking it's Rose sucking at another boy.

I walk towards the sound my jaw drops. It's Ethan kissing... 'JAKE GREEN!' I scream. Ethan jumps of Jake and they blush. 'SINCE WHEN ARE YOU TWO.....' I take a deep breath to controll my exitement. 'A thing???' I ask curious. They look at each other. 'Not that long, Ethan and I just came out' Jake says blushing. I smile, and look at Ethan.

He looks worried. I walk towards him and hug him. 'I'm so happy for you E' I say. He hugs back and I can feel him smile. 'Thanks' he says. I pull back and look at him. 'Hey, ehm I do need to tell you something.... Gray and I are... ya know, together' I say looking down. He chuckles. 'You expected me to be jealous or something? When I have him by my side?' He asks. 'Ethan' Jake says embaressed. I chuckle at the cute couple. I nod my head. 'Let's go' I say. They nod their head, but when we enter the school, they go their own way.

I look around for Jake. 'No goodbye kiss?' I ask. Ethan chuckles and shakes his head. 'We will be outcasts' he says. I snort. Wait for the break Lilith, then handle the situation.


I sit down at a table and Grayson joins me. 'So... did you talk to E?' He asks. I nod my head. 'Guess what?' I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders. 'He's dating Jake' I whisper. His eyes widen. 'He's...' I nod my head. 'Who's what?' I hear Ethan ask. Jake also joins, and sits beside Ethan.

'No one's nothing' I say while taking a bite of my fruit. Jake and Ethan sit close to each other and talk to each other. I can see Jake looking at Ethans face the way I look at Gray's face. Full of love and patience. I hear people whispering: Why are they so close? Are they gay? They look down, they must have heard it. I sigh and stand up.

'YES! They are gay! And tbey love each other! So who says something about them, has to deal with my fist!' I scream. Everyone is immediately silent. Ethan looks at me with a smile and so does Jake. 'Thank you' they whisper. I nod my head towards them. They smile towards each other and I feel a smile grow on my face. They are so freaking adorable.

What's up guys? I'm back! Sorry it took so long, I just needed some time for myself. I hope I'm gonna upload better content for you guys now. And we hit 182 reads! That's amazing! Thank you guys! And because Ethan is gay in this story, doesn't mean that I think he's gay or something. This just fitted the story line better.

I'm gonna try to upload at least one chapter every three days. And if I'm in a good mood maybe even two😂

Anyways, I love you guys so much!!

XXX Jules

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