Chapter 9

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Dear Diary,

When you ask someone: what is the most powerfull weapon in world? They will answer: Bombs or guns. But that isn't true. Because the most powerfull weapon in the world, is love. You can kill someone with it, make someone happy.... make someone hate themself.

Most people search for it, most people don't find it. I thought I found it.... but boy, that boat turned around quickly. You know the feeling, when you just met someone, and it's like you know each other for years?

I do. I thought I loved someone, even though we met a week ago. He was the one thing in my day that made me smile, the only one who made me feel special, he was the only one who could make my shy. Only he could cause shivers up my spine when he touched me. But then, he cheated on me. Most people search for a happy ending. Dear diary, I'm gonna say something really cheesy, but....

He was my happy ending....

I need to stop letting people in. From this moment, I'm going to build walls that no one can break. No one can hurt me again. I thought I loved him.... I still do, I always will, but apparently he didn't have the same feelings. And it hurts, a lot. And I'm done with getting hurt. First Mike, then Grayson and then Ethan. I'm done. I have to go to school now. I'll fill you in when I get back. Please dear lord, give me strength.

When I'm done writing, I put the diary back under my pillow. I sigh and grab my school bag. I moved back with my mom and dad. They were still fighting, and I did get beat when I came back, but I'll live. I put on my shoes and look in the mirror. 'You are strong Lil, you can do this' I say to myself. I nod and walk out of the door avoiding my dad. I walk on the side walk and I see cars passing me.

Rose was in one of them. 'Of course she get's brought to school' I say annoyed. I walk in school and ignore the people whispering. I go to my locker and throw in my books. I grab the books I need and throw my locker closed.

I turn around and stare into his hazel green eyes. Those eyes I used to adore. Those eyes I still adore. If you didn't guess it: Grayson. I look at the rest of his face, it's pale and he has bags under his eyes. I almost pitty him. Then the image of him with Rose comes back into my head.

I ball my fists until my knuckles become white. I walk past him and towards math. I sit in my seat and look around. Great another seat plan. I sit in front and play with my pen because I'm bored. The bell goes and a boy steps in just on time. 'Well, well, why are you late?' miss Julie asks. He sits besides me and I smile. The perfect situation to irritate her. 'Well, SUZAN, technichally he wasn't late' I say with a smile. I hear people whispering.

'It's miss Julie for you Miss Amor' she says annoyed. I smiled. 'Does she annoy you SUZAN?' the boy asks. 'Stop it' she says almost angry. I have to keep in my laugh. 'Oh, I'm sorry SUZAN' I say smiling. 'OUT! BOTH OF YOU!' she says while smacking her hand on the desk. I stand up and so does the boy. 'Whatever you say.... SUZAN' he says smiling. 'Bye SUZAN' I say before walking out. I walk through the hallways and the boy walks next to me. 'So, Lilith, I'm Jake, Jake Green' he says while holding out his hand.

I stiffen up. 'How do you know my name?' I ask. 'Uhm, because of the new seat plan' he says kinda obvious. I nod. 'Well, hello Jake Green' I say while shaking his hand. What am I doing? I'm letting people in again. I'm gonna keep him as a friend. Just a friend.


Oehhhhhhh, Lilith met another bad boy. Will they end up together? Or will Lilith keep her walls up? Will Grayson ever win his girl back? You will read it in the next chapter.

I want to thank you all for reading my story! We hit 27 reads! IEHHHHH. I know, I know, I'm to exited. But I just really like to share my stories with the world. I really love all of you guys so much, thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. If you have any ideas, just leave a comment, and maybe I'll put it in the next chapter.

XXX, Jules

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