Chapter 5

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The next morning

I wake up because of yelling. I sigh and think everything is a dream. But I look around and I'm not in my bedroom. I stand up and walk towards the sound. 'You know I like her!' I hear someone say. I step around the corner and listen.

I see Ethan and Grayson fighting. 'Ethan, she had a bad dream! I was just comforting her!' Gray says. Ethan laughs agitated. 'Grayson, I know you like her! I can see it!' he says. Does he really like me? 'W-what?' Grayson asks shocked. 'You didn't even deny it!' Ethan says.

'Yeah, maybe I do like her! What are you going to do about it?!' he asks angry. 'Ugh! I HATE YOU!' they scream both at the same time. I start to feel water in my eyes. They are fighting because of me, they hate each other because of me. I hate fights, they all end with sadness and pain. 'You guys hate each other?' I ask half crying.

They turn around shocked. 'Lilith, how long were you standing there?' Grayson asks. 'Long enough' I say crying. 'Lilith-' 'I'm gonna change' I say while walking away. I put on skinny jeans and a crop top. I walk inthe living room and they are waiting on the couch. 'Let's go to school' I say without emotion.

When we sit in the car I remember my bag. 'Shit, we have to stop at my place' I say. 'What why?' Ethan asks. 'My bag is still there' I say. He sighs and stops at my door. I get out the car and climb through my window. They kept it unlocked. I quickly grab my school bag and open the window. My dad comes busting through the door and grabs my wrist.

'Where are your little bodyguards now huh?!' he asks. I punch him in the face. 'Don't need them' I say while climbing through the window and running towards the car. 'Are you okay?' Ethan asks. I nod my head. He sees that I don't want to talk about it so he drops the convo. When we arrive at school I grab them by their bags and pull them into a corner. 'What the hell?' Ethan asks.

I look at them in a serious way. 'Guys, you are both the sweetest guys I've ever met. You are so kind to let me stay over at your place, and even if I know you guys one day, I have the feeling we know each other a lifetime long. But it hurts me to see people fight, or to see that people I care about hurting each other. I have seen enough of that already. So please, promise me you will not fight again' I say tired. They look at each other and nod their head.

I pull them in for a hug. 'Thanks guys' I say smiling. The hug back. 'No prob' Gray says. I smile at him and we walk to the lockers. We all have different classes, so we agree to meet at lunch. I walk through the hallways and somebody pulls me into a closet. 'What the hell?!' I say. The light goes on and in front of me is Rose. 'What the hell?!' I say angry. 'You already broke my nose, so stay away from the Dolans, or you'll regret it' she says with a evil smile. Oh yeah, I forgot I broke her nose. 1-0 for me.

'What are YOU, gonna do to me?' I ask smiling. 'I know more about you then you know, maybe something about... rehab?' she says smiling. I feel my heart sink. How does she know? No one does. 'How do you know about that?!' I ask angry and scared. 'That's not the question, the question is: who else will know? How will the Dolans think of you after that?' she asks smiling. 

'You're crazy' I say almost with tears in my eyes. I blink them away, she can not see me cry. No one did except for E and Gray. 'It gets me what I want, and in this case, that thing, are the Dolans, Grayson to be exact' she says with a smile. I sigh. She smiles, knowing she has me under her power. 'Stay away' she says before walking away. I stand there, shocked in the closet. I feel a tear fall from my eye.

I quickly wipe it away. 'It's gonna be okay' I say in myself. Who am I kidding, it's not going to be okay. I cry and put my hands in front of my face. She can't say the stuff she knows, they will never talk to me again. They are the only good thing in my day, I can't lose them.

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